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A few small dreams but I think they are about protection.
1) I'm travelling with friends in a tall bus going up a very very steep hill. When we are getting to our hotel I've discovered I'm the only one who hasn't brought anything with me for changing into .
( unprepared)
2) 3 dark animals different sizes running in same direction. A big one pounced on another but seemed to turn into a man and struggled to cut its tongue out. I'm standing with someone watching this in horror as it happens.
I woke up with a start after this one . It frightened me.
After asking for clarification for meaning,
3) I approach my mother who is in the corner of the kitchen and reluctantly tell her of my experiences and I turn the radio down so I can be heard and she displays 2 red flags in the corner of the ceiling.
Thoughts .
Previous mornings dream was lovely but left me with words of caution and happiness.
Protection with the feathers , the tower was a look out post, I was alone guarding the circle.
This morning frightened me with the three animals, I've still got a lump in my throat.
I've been taught nothing can harm me, but I suppose the fear issue can happen.
Could this be more of a warning to protect myself from unwelcome spirit voices as my Clair's are improving?( turning the radio down)
I don't understand why when I've mostly had lovely experiences. Why should it change when my emotional stability hasn't?