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Thread: Nursing babies

  1. #211

    Re: Nursing babies

    But what you and I perceive as real musical delights which take much talent to perform( specially at 11yrs old, very impressed) from a much talented composer,I suppose they don't connect to, therefore don't see it as that.
    Their musical delight is maybe something that brings back memories of the past or something related to do with where they know they will be going shortly.
    But I think you know this already
    Elderly spend a lot of time sleeping, I believe getting closer to the spirit world that waits for them.
    I just love, love love, the opportunity to try to make the contact with these beautiful people.
    If your looking for love it just oozes out of them .( apart from the occasional tantrum) little too many last week.

  2. #212

    Re: Nursing babies

    Giant sparkling head made of stars.
    Delighted, just read a thread on this site (2009) discussing how some spirits are perceived and suggests many people describe the same sparkling star like appearance.

    (Oops, thought this would have attached to the relevant post I was viewing)
    Page 13, 22nd Sept
    Last edited by susan; 18th January 2014 at 04:16 PM.

  3. #213
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Oklahoma USA
    Blog Entries

    Re: Nursing babies

    Odd. My daughter and I were reminiscing Thurs night and she re-described an incident she experienced when she was 7 or so. A black object in her closet sparkling with green and red lights.

    Your account puts some context to that.

    [She hasn't followed me into the metaphysical world and that's a good thing. I think she's talented but she might become a GMAN12 and I'd have to rescue her! ]
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  4. #214

    Re: Nursing babies

    Woke up this am hearing a song being sung.
    " no matter what you can do, no matter what you cann't do, just keep them laughing"
    This was lovely and very relevant to last night feeling there was too much for me to do and I couldn't do it all and was getting bit stressed.

    Well I've written of Harry Potter type dream before but this time yesterday morning this was a lovely Alice In Wonderland quick sketch.
    I'm in a lovely cottage in countryside when I walk out into the garden full of flowers. I walk down the path to the small gate and there is an archway made from ivy before the gate. There is an identical path a few yards away within the same garden with the same ivy archway. First of all I see a beautiful large bird the size of a large cat.It has a very flat head with pointed ears or feathers where the ears would be. It was lovely to look at and I stood admiring it when I look into the second Ivy archway and see a giant mole?rat?the size of a man standing upright. I wasn't frightened at all and shouted to my hubby to come and look at it. He didn't want to so as I walked towards it I saw the most beautiful coloured feathers as a tail. " your not a rat at all your a COCKATOO" I said to it.
    As I walked back into the cottage I looked back and it had moved away and was on a bicycle cycling down the road.

    Now I think there is loads in here to interpret but I need a bit of help here.
    Points to note....
    The double path
    The bird
    The rat/ mole
    The cockatoo.( it didn't even resemble one but that's what I said in my dream)
    The bicycle

    Bit of info I've said before that I feel my weakness's have been pointed out and recently have been really trying to put myself in other peoples shoes and understand what it may be like for them and why they feel this or do that. Sympathetic is the word.

    The night before I did colourful visual exercises . Could this have been why the colour was very vivid?
    I used to cut up fruit in the exercise but now I make a ratatouille.
    Deep aubergine colour,white inside,red pepper,green pepper, yellow pepper, green courgette, mushroom, onion brown skin white inside

    Even if this dream was indicating a negative side to me I don't care.
    I loved it . Bit like a child getting a bedtime story and visualising the characters.

    This am was just starting to think of the meaning of the cockatoo when I picked up,
    " a Cockatoo steps into the Mystery of Being Unknown."

    This would start to make sense, the second path parallel to the one I was walking. The part or parts of me that I don't consciously know but are in the shadow( background) living a parallel life? The cockatoo representing the mystery of these lives.
    The bicycle, maybe a need for balance or there is a good balance between the mystery of not knowing and wanting to know.( after all he was riding well on the bicycle) not sure about this last bit.
    But then could it have a double meaning,trying to see the beauty ( cockatoo) in something that on the outside doesn't look beautiful?
    Last edited by susan; 22nd January 2014 at 09:48 AM. Reason: More info this morning

  5. #215

    Re: Nursing babies

    I'm naked. My mother is with me and she is driving the car taking me to work but I have no clothes on.
    We are now in a room and she is happy to see me . We haven't seen each other for a while.( to set the record straight I do not for one second believe this Was my beautiful much missed physical mother who died a few years ago )
    She greets me happy to see me and kisses me .
    The whole time I am aware that I am naked.

    Taken from only book I use. Betty Berthards.....The dream book

    Nude. Totally open and exposed not hiding who or what you are totally exposed.good symbology.
    Mother. Usually represents older wiser more experienced part of female self

  6. #216

    Re: Nursing babies

    Yesterday I'm watching a dolphin swim in the water and it swims up to me out of the water and just looks at me.
    This morning I'm holding a baby and go to blow on its stomach for fun and it bends down to give me a kiss and has a lovely was lovely.we repeated this.

  7. #217

    Re: Nursing babies

    Prior to dream no energy work performed and no thoughts of spiritual matters. Too much needing attention in physical at moment, but this was lovely.
    I'm with a group of friends and we are in a large circle.I cann't remember what we were doing but there were other people in other circles. My friends now leave me and I have to guard this circle on my own but I start to think that this circle has moved position.There is a little cubby hole within circle where there's a plate of sweets to help ourselves to.
    Friends come back to reassure me it's in the same position . We are the end circle positioned with 5 others all in a large courtyard in front of a castle that has a tower on the end. ( I took this to be a look out post)
    Now we are leaving. This feels like end of term. We walk through a door into what is like a cloakroom where you would collect your coat. ( this was the same area that started my Harry Potter type dream months ago, but this time I'm leaving through the door where as before I walked through it to a corridor) I recognised it in my dream.
    Someone behind the desk talks about no contamination allowed beyond this point.
    Now I'm sitting in an aircraft with someone opposite me. I'm looking out of the window and the whole sky is covered in what looks like a net made of white feathers. In the dream I'm thinking they are Angel Feathers ( even though in physical I do not have the belief of feathered ,winged angels)
    There is a hole in the covering and as I watch I see a similar feather fly up and fill up the hole.
    In the dream I just knew that this completed the blanket of protection.
    Someone was saying good bye. I picked up
    I leave you with wishes of happiness and caution.

  8. #218

    Re: Nursing babies

    A few small dreams but I think they are about protection.
    1) I'm travelling with friends in a tall bus going up a very very steep hill. When we are getting to our hotel I've discovered I'm the only one who hasn't brought anything with me for changing into .
    ( unprepared)
    2) 3 dark animals different sizes running in same direction. A big one pounced on another but seemed to turn into a man and struggled to cut its tongue out. I'm standing with someone watching this in horror as it happens.
    I woke up with a start after this one . It frightened me.
    After asking for clarification for meaning,
    3) I approach my mother who is in the corner of the kitchen and reluctantly tell her of my experiences and I turn the radio down so I can be heard and she displays 2 red flags in the corner of the ceiling.
    Thoughts .
    Previous mornings dream was lovely but left me with words of caution and happiness.
    Protection with the feathers , the tower was a look out post, I was alone guarding the circle.
    This morning frightened me with the three animals, I've still got a lump in my throat.
    I've been taught nothing can harm me, but I suppose the fear issue can happen.
    Could this be more of a warning to protect myself from unwelcome spirit voices as my Clair's are improving?( turning the radio down)
    I don't understand why when I've mostly had lovely experiences. Why should it change when my emotional stability hasn't?

    It seems now on reflection that the issue may have been me eating meat. As Ia56 points out that man still hunts animals and kill them and eats them. This links into July 2014 post.
    Last edited by susan; 4th July 2014 at 04:06 PM. Reason: Clarification.

  9. #219
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    A few small dreams but I think they are about protection.
    1) I'm travelling with friends in a tall bus going up a very very steep hill. When we are getting to our hotel I've discovered I'm the only one who hasn't brought anything with me for changing into .
    ( unprepared)
    2) 3 dark animals different sizes running in same direction. A big one pounced on another but seemed to turn into a man and struggled to cut its tongue out. I'm standing with someone watching this in horror as it happens.
    I woke up with a start after this one . It frightened me.
    After asking for clarification for meaning,
    3) I approach my mother who is in the corner of the kitchen and reluctantly tell her of my experiences and I turn the radio down so I can be heard and she displays 2 red flags in the corner of the ceiling.
    Thoughts .
    Previous mornings dream was lovely but left me with words of caution and happiness.
    Protection with the feathers , the tower was a look out post, I was alone guarding the circle.
    This morning frightened me with the three animals, I've still got a lump in my throat.
    I've been taught nothing can harm me, but I suppose the fear issue can happen.
    Could this be more of a warning to protect myself from unwelcome spirit voices as my Clair's are improving?( turning the radio down)
    I don't understand why when I've mostly had lovely experiences. Why should it change when my emotional stability hasn't?
    Hi Susan,
    When we develop the Deep buried impulses of karma what has to be dealted with starts to Surface when you have gained stability and strength to take care of you have reached a new level so to speak.
    The only thing what is sure is change, evolution does not let us to lie on our leurels too long

    Last edited by IA56; 1st February 2014 at 05:51 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #220

    Re: Nursing babies

    Thanks IA, well I hope I'm prepared enough for any challenges that crop up in physical. I suppose throughout my life I've had challenges and how they were accepted and worked out at the time made them easy to get through.
    Note for journal,
    Asked for clarification of meaning of previous dream that frightened me where the animal turned into a man and attacked other animal. Was killing it.
    Was with a group of friends along a big motorway when in the distance down a steep hill there seemed to be a massive pile up of cars and can see ambulances. As we look over the top of the hill there is a dead body lying on the road that the paramedics are going to.
    So this wasn't frightening as much but death was the key point.
    I've got so used to death scenes if I took it literally I'd have topped myself by now.

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