
Type: Posts; User: Honeybadger400

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  1. Replies

    Re: Tinnitus after trance practice

    Most commonly refer to that sound as “receiving downloads”. When it comes as that tinnitus type sound (which is like tinnitus but is different), it usually means the download you’ve received...
  2. Re: getting help from christianity to empower eckhart tolle enlightenment (in the moment path)

    Then you have channeling where the message coming through is about a loving compassionate God who cares about the sick and the downtrodden. That would be the ‘true’ Yahweh channels that...
  3. Re: getting help from christianity to empower eckhart tolle enlightenment (in the moment path)

    “Abraham nearly sacrificing his son” -> Moloch

    Moloch is all about child sacrifice as burnt offerings. Luckily an angel interceded to rescue Isaac before it was too late!

    ”the 10...
  4. Re: getting help from christianity to empower eckhart tolle enlightenment (in the moment path)

    I come to the understanding that the Bible is full of both true and false channels.

    It’s not not necessarily who they say they are but what they are actually saying that is the better...
  5. Replies

    Re: Distance From Body When OOBE

    Is it where you are at or how long you are out that makes it less vivid?
  6. Replies

    Re: Space-time and Time-space

    I suspect the donut works like a 4 dimensional sphere. Like a globe, if you go to far in one direction, you bend around to the other side. Unlike a globe this effect also happens with “down” and...
  7. Replies

    Re: Space-time and Time-space

    Another mathematical paradox is thinking that the whole of space expanded at once from a singularity in a bang. Dark energy is just a real large fudge factor to make the math work.
  8. Replies

    Re: Space-time and Time-space

    That’s essentially the theory that David Wilcock discusses. The “law of one speaks” a lot of “time-space”. I find that it resonates with me, though I haven’t projected or been lucid...
  9. Replies

    Space-time and Time-space

    Imagine the universe as shaped like a donut. The top side of the donut is “space-time”, our familiar 3 dimentions of space and 1 dimension of time. The bottom side of the donut is also familiar...
  10. Replies

    Re: Sahasrara is not necessarily a lotus of petals

    Merkaba, the shape of a photon and fractal of the universe
  11. Replies

    Re: Hacked forum

    Sometimes this can happen from an ad that is loaded that has the injection. If it’s a javascript issue,I doubt it infects the source code. It would try to affect the browsers hitting the site.
  12. Replies

    Re: Imagery Behind Eyelids?

    thanks for sharing. That sounds more like a remote viewing than an AP.
  13. Re: Effects of sleeping aids on astral travel, lucid dreaming, psychic self-defence etc.

    In terms of supplements I can also testify on the benefits of silica gel. It definitely amplifies your body's "crystal radio".
  14. Re: Effects of sleeping aids on astral travel, lucid dreaming, psychic self-defence etc.

    I find taking melatonin supplements get me to the hynogogic state sooner. I haven't traveled with it, but I've found it helps open etheric communication and past life recall
  15. Replies

    Re: White Robed Figure

    that was my first reaction too. The Anshar or one of their related groups
  16. Pink-colored memory-erasing mind noise

    hi Robert,
    i had a hynogogic event unfold recently that I'd hope you might be able to decipher. I was half listening to a metaphysical show on tv. My eyes were shut, my mind was wandering. I get a...
  17. Replies

    Re: Reality Fluctuations.

    I was at a yearly beekeeper cookout with a number of local beekeepers. One guy, a big built surfer guy was there and I was amazed to see him. This was because shortly after the cookout 2 years ago I...
  18. Replies

    Re: Tensing Neck Problem

    Binaural beats help.

    theres also a yoga stretch where you do stretches with your face and tongue. That always helped with my tense neck (and jaw as well)
  19. Replies

    Re: Meeting Someone on the Astral

    I don't have experience planning an astral Meetup, but logistically wouldn't it be easier to meet real time zone at one of your houses? That way one could energetically help the other out and then go...
  20. Re: Corey Goode and Cosmic disclosure programs on Gaia - aka secret space program

    I have to say though, now that I've read through the first 5 seasons of cosmic disclosure (and 2 more to catch-up on), it's getting to be pretty compelling. There's probably 70 hours or more of...
  21. Replies

    Re: A Belief changing method?

    It's not really a method per se, but I've come to realize that people tend to think their personal view of reality is actually reality. Really it's a mental map of what they've observed with their 5...
  22. Replies

    Re: To Timothy...

    Ia, I'll second that
  23. Re: Corey Goode and Cosmic disclosure programs on Gaia - aka secret space program

    David wilcock and Corey do the same show together on Gaia. I share the same sentiment about them that you do. It's amazing fascinating stuff and they talk to such deep detail, yet really no smoking...
  24. My fail at using "etheric hugging" as an alternative to white light shielding and how I awkwardly discovered faeries

    At night I tend to get some of the astral showing up in my bedroom. With my eyes shut, I can observe shadows through my lids. Sometimes the shadows are just shadows, sometimes they are something...
  25. Corey Goode and Cosmic disclosure programs on Gaia - aka secret space program

    Just wondered if anyone else subscribes to Gaia and watches this series.

    i find the totatily of what he says to be unbelievably mind blowing. Certainly something that would shatter most everyone's...
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