Quote Originally Posted by dan4112 View Post
As a follow up I'll just say that there are two sides to this coin. On one hand you've got near-death experiencers who try desperately to communicate with others, sometimes even screaming at the person "I'm right here, can't you see me?" They inevitably find that they can't communicate with the living, even though they can hear and see the living sometimes even becomming aware of their thoughts.
Usually they can't communicate with the conscious person, but if the other person is unconscious, there is communication- with the person's energy body. That's why they can 'receive information'- it's not communication as they have learned to know it, but it's communication nonetheless.
Many people who OBE (including yours truly) have found that they see people who are sleeping (or rather, their energy bodies) and find that they can sometimes communicate with them (two-way) if the other person is in trance- recall happens from both. But if the other person is asleep they often either don't remember or remember having a dream about the other person, or if they're awake have no conscious memory, or remember 'all of a sudden' thinking of the other person.
So the divide isn't really as clearcut as it seems.

On the other hand you've got these hypnotic regression therapists and mediums saying that spirits can attach themselves to you, drain your energy and give you thoughts or unexplained urges to do something.
Of course, you are looking at how they interpret the information that they're 'psychically' given, there is more than one way to interpret this.

..these other disembodied entities have figured it out?
Besides spirits, I'd imagine that 'astral dwellers', i.e. disembodied beings that have never been physical should know how to communicate in their own native medium, it seems to me. Even if we 'physical' beings are just visiting (which is debatable), at some point they'd learn the howto, unless they're not complex enough. Or so I would think.

Has anyone ever seen any of this spirit attachment while out of body?
Some projectors have, yes, but as far as I can remember, not 'spirit' attachment as much as 'entity' attachment. (See wildlife in the AD pedia or Robert's writings on self defense on the main site).

Anyone ever experimented with affecting the living while obe?
Many have, yes, but mostly with unsatisfying results. Monroe wrote about his in his first (or second) book, and others have too. I'd try the parapsychology subforum to see if you find anything there.