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Thread: Nursing babies

  1. #531

    Re: Nursing babies

    Singing again as I woke up this morning. Was like a lullaby, " The sun and moon are shining on you".
    I just feel yet again that I'm on a quiet period if it works like that. It does for me anyway. So last night before sleep I did so much energy raising then tried to stay awake but fell asleep till 4.30. Next short dream was nothing worth noting except for two little points that seemed out of place.

    1) my friend ( seems like a companion) is helping me get dressed. He helps me button up my top button to my blouse then respectfully leaves the middle buttons around the bust for me to do, which I fasten.
    I'm now fastening my trouser buttons but two of them have been sewn on with the thread going over the buttons so the button hole wouldn't fit over them. Thing is this gets me looking and thinking and notice that these are mens trousers.
    2) my friend is lying in bed and suddenly changes the subject and says, " It's a shame about what's happening in the world right now, China takes Russia."

    Then woke up to the singing.
    I take very little interest in politics or current affairs. Depresses me but I just skim the surface of main topics. Had to google China and Russia this morning to see what this was about. I expect anything meaningful to come in riddles but just wanted to log.
    I'm missing the voices.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  2. #532

    Re: Nursing babies

    Singing again yesterday morning..

    "Like a rubber ball I keep bouncing back to you."

    My goodness that's an old one, 1966, haven't heard it for years.

    Wasn't sure why I picked this up but gave it some thought then dismissed deciding to forget as I had something else I was working out.

    This morning after a short dream this makes absolute sense. It's not what I thought it may have meant.
    Short Dream.
    I go on holiday with my husband and two male friends. This is Australia and it's very hot .Im sunbathing and my two friends and husband go off for a walk. I can see people in the distance sharing water to drink in the heat. Husband comes back without our friends.
    We are now facing a low cliff with round dents in it all lined up horizontally.These dents looked as if a metal ball had made them.
    Husband says that our friends had said that everything was going fine..... (As he says this he is holding a long metal pole with a round metal ball on the end and is putting the ball into each indentation in the cliff)....until THE DEVIL CAME SHIRAZ! He pushes the ball into the last dent and pushes it in harder.
    I say " No that's not right , there is no devil, that's a lie!"

    Woke up just as I say this. Recalled dream and kept Devil and Shiraz in mind.
    Googled these two words, this is what I came up with,

    Devil's Liar. Dance with the Devil. Shiraz Tempranillo.
    Devil's Liar is the Wine company in Australia, advertising Dance with the Devil Shiraz Tempranillo that they produce.
    Their address is ROCKY ROAD?? Margaret River, Australia.

    So couple of days ago I had opened the fridge door and hubby had left opened bottle of wine . Thought about having some but didn't know why because I'm on to tropical crush now and prefer the taste.however my thoughts had been on the August holiday and decided that I suppose I'll keep hubby company and have the occasional glass. The decision is mine alone to make. Didn't think again of this, even when I picked up the song about rubber balls .

    As I write this I've realised that the long metal pole with a metal ball on the end is the same as I saw when I had the dream involving the queen and one of her footmen had this pole when he untangled the young boys head from under the rope. This was when I heard this was going to be a special day ( at the care home) The queen to me represents higher self.
    (The rope was straightened with their rod and the procession carried on. End of dream. )
    Wonder what this metal pole with a ball means? Anyway I get the message.
    I make up a good team, we work well together.

    Sorted . Googled


    A sceptre is a symbolic ornamental staff or wand held in the hand by a ruling monarch as an item of royal or imperial insignia. Sometimes, it could be used for showing a sense of divinity.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  3. #533

    Re: Nursing babies

    I realy don't like it when it gets quiet.I wake through the night as usual but cannt be bothered to try anything and just go back to sleep. What am I playing at?
    Other morning got a bit of a riddle. ( hasn't gone completely dead) I'd asked a question before a light sleep and woke to .." If she's a relative ring your home number".
    Now if it had been " HER "I would assume sister, but it was definately YOUR . But I WAS putting the question to me. On reflection I shouldn't have expected the direct answer I wanted.A riddle is all I get.
    Maybe intuition is the way.

    I'm in a college and go into a room as I want to sign up to be accepted by the church. The vicar is talking to me and I'm surprised when he tells me that he hears voices as well. He gets excited that both of us do . He signs a book ( the bible? )and gives it to me, and as I'm thinking that he would expect me to attend church and mix with the rest that I didn't realy want to do he says that his church is too far away to travel so he wouldn't expect me to .He tells me I probably wouldn't be seeing him again.

    As I leave the room I'm happy because all I wanted was the book, and I got it.Some friends ( no body I know on physical) ask me if I got the house I wanted.I reply that I think I would have realy preferred the smaller house because it had more in it , but I got the bigger house which was a little empty, but it was okay. ******

    The vicar thing I think is me wanting to balance science with the bible. Not wanting to go down just one particular path , but for the heart chakra and all that comes with compassion I think the teachings from Jesus are tops.I just wanted the bible but not the institute that came with it.

    The house thing I think is reminding myself of what I picked up not long ago,

    1) " there are many more beautiful houses but the self restrictions will be your choice."
    2) " come with love in your heart"
    3) " build on the heart"

    Anyway I've decided I going all out with the third eye. If Mohammed won't come to the mountain..........

    Going to be stepping up Mantra practice, trying different ones, keep up with throat friction meditation,visualisation practice, aura practice.
    Yesterday went out and bought recommendations for pineal gland .
    Apple cider vinegar with manuka honey,
    Goji berries
    Sea kelp tablets
    Coconut Oil.( put it in my porridge) bearable.but love coconut
    Assistant asks me was I wanting these for any particular reason ( so she could recommend others I suppose ) had to say ..just for health. Didn't feel comfortable saying the real reason.

    ***** back to edit...remembered what picked up last year, or the year before.
    "When the house is emptied the body moves on."
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  4. #534

    Re: Nursing babies

    Last two weeks work has tired me so very grounded but a few things.
    I'm going to start with the bad so I can forget and end on a positive note.

    1) John Lennon the Beatles.
    For three nights John Lennon appeared in dreams but it was always the same short recall of him putting his arm around my shoulders and talking to me. This was in a comforting friendly way. Could never remember what was discussed.
    All I could come up with at the time was the fact that he was taken by surprise and shot on the street outside his apartment .
    Was this because my holiday is getting closer and my daytime thoughts were of possible events that could happen. After all I'm staying with family in a country where terrorists have already targeted Brits. What I was thinking as possible could be linked with John Lennons way of attack.
    Yesterday I found on the internet that a group of these misguided attackers were nicknamed "The Beatles" and 'John' being one of them so this has convinced me the dreams were to do with this.
    Well, nothing will take away the slight concern but I feel this was re-assurance for me that I have nothing to fear.

    Now onto better.....

    Woke up to young children's voices singing. Saw a screen with writing on it with the word 'SYMBOLISM'
    Recalled dream immediatly,
    Standing at the back of a classroom filled with young children and the teacher is trying to get all the children settled to watch the screen at the front. They start singing about feeding the birds ( which I do) and they finish with ..BUT THERE ARE OTHER ANIMALS THAT NEED FEEDING.
    Then sub titles start to scroll up on the screen where it finishes with big bold capital letters ' SYMBOLISM'.
    At one time I would have got my head into symbols but I'm coming to the conclusion that it's the learning process that is important. Just being encouraged to learn as much as possible.
    Maybe I'm missing something her .
    Back to edit.
    Maybe the feeding of other animals is symbolic for the GIVING? ( mentioned below)

    Hubby came in with a Spanish vegetable I hadn't seen before from the supermarket called Romancial( I think) This was the most beautiful example of Fractals held in my hand. Yet again a reminder that we are part of some great and wonderful self similar design of the universe.

    Had asked for some good advice that would help me when I feel disconnected. Woke from a dream.
    Standing in a room at the back of an orchestra. I can hear the room is filled with the sound of violins playing. Very high notes.. No dream story recalled with this.
    ( listen to uplifting music)

    Back to sleep, woke up again and just as I was wondering if I should try raising energy or not when my mind went silent I picked up very quickly

    This morning , upon wakening, thought I saw a giant face of Sathya Sai Baba as if formed within the clouds.Black and white.Cannt recall any thoughts or dream of him prior to this. Googled his name to check spelling and found two lovely Quotes of his ,

    Love Alone Conquers Lasting Happiness and Peace.
    Sharing can Alone Reduce Grief and Bring Multiple Joy.
    People are Born to Share, to Serve, to GIVE and Not to Grab. Baba.

    Love this one.

    In Every Moment Of My Life,
    Please Be With Me.
    When I Slip, When I Fall,Lend Me a Hand.
    When I Stray Far Away,
    Bring Me Back
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  5. #535

    Re: Nursing babies

    Is it possible to have your energy body worked on by the other side whilst asleep?
    I don't know ? This may have just been me dreaming but I know what I picked up suddenly afterwards.
    In physical I'm taking everything I can find suggested to help with third eye .

    I seem to be lying on my side and can see 3 people upright near me but shadowy and someone is at my side at my level. I Cannt see any furniture or landscape but the person next to me has inserted a fine wire?tube? ( current?) and it seems to be fed through where my nose would be but instead of this leading down to my stomach as a naso gastric tube would be I could see it floating upwards to the sky.
    I felt a little tingle like a mild electric current and woke up.

    It's possible that this was a dream and I caused the sensation that woke me by imagining what it would feel like having one inserted.( although it wouldn't feel like a shock.)I've fed many through the nose to the stomach in my early nursing days but never had one in myself but discomfort was all I got told.

    Awake now but still sleepy decided to start some energy work with intention of focusing on brow when in between thoughts quickly picked up ....."NO, PLEASE DON'T FOCUS."

    Don't know what to think on this one but I love the gentleness of the request.very often I get a gentle Please .
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  6. #536
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    Is it possible to have your energy body worked on by the other side whilst asleep?
    I don't know ? This may have just been me dreaming but I know what I picked up suddenly afterwards.
    In physical I'm taking everything I can find suggested to help with third eye .

    I seem to be lying on my side and can see 3 people upright near me but shadowy and someone is at my side at my level. I Cannt see any furniture or landscape but the person next to me has inserted a fine wire?tube? ( current?) and it seems to be fed through where my nose would be but instead of this leading down to my stomach as a naso gastric tube would be I could see it floating upwards to the sky.
    I felt a little tingle like a mild electric current and woke up.

    It's possible that this was a dream and I caused the sensation that woke me by imagining what it would feel like having one inserted.( although it wouldn't feel like a shock.)I've fed many through the nose to the stomach in my early nursing days but never had one in myself but discomfort was all I got told.

    Awake now but still sleepy decided to start some energy work with intention of focusing on brow when in between thoughts quickly picked up ....."NO, PLEASE DO'NT FOCUS."

    Don't know what to think on this one but I love the gentleness of the request.very often I get a gentle Please .
    Hi Susan,
    I do not know if others can work on your or our energy bodies...what I know is the help to work throug our experiences by them making scenarios that the episodes can be experienced again and again so the clogged energy to be freed and working as it should not to make deceses is our physical body.
    It can be happenings from other life´s too..or like in your case, you have in your profession done things like feeding by tub someone,moste of our doings is mirroring to make us remember episodes what has made us not functioning in our energy as it should. Can you understand what I am trying to say here??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #537

    Re: Nursing babies

    Thanks IA, I'm trying to grasp what you are meaning.
    We can be directed from spirit side into scenarios that in our dream state will encourage us to act out certain actions in order to clear any blockages? Blockages of energy which could result in disease in body if not cleared .If needed it will be repeated until the job is done?
    Have I understood you okay or maybe not?
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  8. #538
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    Thanks IA, I'm trying to grasp what you are meaning.
    We can be directed from spirit side into scenarios that in our dream state will encourage us to act out certain actions in order to clear any blockages? Blockages of energy which could result in disease in body if not cleared .If needed it will be repeated until the job is done?
    Have I understood you okay or maybe not?
    Yes, Susan you did undertand it right, but it is much more comlicated than that..and it is therefore much more harder to live it right..we have so many blockages from upbringing, sociaty roules, religious roules...etc etc...I am now trying to go backwards living...when all has already happened...when body is sick and see where I went wrong...and trying to fix it..some of the bodys sickness can be healed and fixed but not the parts what has to do with sceleton that can´t be repaired...and it is hard to live it even when you understand what is wrong...
    The part of me what understand but have no Words is shining so clear to like doctors and they do not hear my words...and Think I am just playing with took 10 years to get through to them and I nearly did loose my life because the body was giving in maybe I now have a little chance and opportunity to get deeper in investigating and have a slight chance to live further more years.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #539

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quite a few more years I hope. The only way now for you is up.

    Quite a bit this morning between 8.30- 9.30am.
    No time to detail but what I took from this.

    I may decide to stay working longer but there is help being brought in for me. ( my FATHER???)

    Keep out of Dramas.

    Definately no alcohol.

    Remember this is all a play.

    BIOTHERM? Got this just as I woke, I've heard of a product but will google and update this bit later.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  10. #540

    Re: Nursing babies

    Continued from last post.



    Is the quantitative study of the energy transduction that occurs in and between living organisms, structures and cells and of the nature and function of the chemical processes underlying these transductions.


    1) The action or process of converting something and especially energy into another form.

    2) The transfer of genetic material from one organism to another.

    3) ( physiology) The transportation of stimuli to the nervous system.

    4) The process by which a transducer converts one type of energy to another.

    Fatigue gone.( heavy work load finished for a bit.)
    Increasing NEWS. Legs burning up in bed. Was circling feet for a while after working body.
    Singing again this morning, very gentle voice but didn't catch words. Wasn't focused enough
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

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