Prior to this last OBE had remembered being in a false looking environment. Just white space all around, no scenery but people were walking on their own with big cameras taking close ups of anything. I just watch them wondering why they are taking close ups of a puddle, the sky, a leaf. In the dream I'm trying to work out why?
Awake, pondered over this and decided that I'm not focusing enough on the brow area , I need to try harder to stay focused.
The result was the above OBE ( even though it happened a little later.)
This morning woke up from a scene where a dream character is saying that he needs to LOOK. Now this was the wrong should have been To Say Sorry. I just knew this word didn't fit into my dream so decided to look into brow area closely and saw flickering in eyelids then a dove flying around. There was no colour other than black background and white dove. Lasted about 30 seconds. Tried to re create this again but couldn't.
What I have to remember is how Robert describes images you can create yourself with third eye and build and take apart with thought. Maybe I wanted to see something and created this because I was still in the liminal stage.
I don't think so but I have to remind myself here that I may have.