I don't know if this is common, but I know I've done the chakra working about a year ago a lot, and I still maintain a lot of the control I developed way back then.

Anyways I was Opening my lower chakras and allowing energy flow to increase. and every time I tried to do this(increase energy flow that is) I got a feeling in my stomach energy which made me feel like I was going to throw up. When I stopped energy flow it went away, and it was almost as if the nausea sensation was only in my energy in the stomach region.

It could have something to do with a possession I have. Although with this possession I'm not even sure I am supposed to have an OBE, or if its possible.

I've noticed with this possession i can always feel my heart chakra, as if it's somehow tweaked.

Ive tried repeatedly during many periods of my life to have an OBE but i generally just get weird sensations and strange mind trips, as if im experiencing my consciousness strangely.

I also still cling to the feeling of uncertainty about OBE, is it good is it bad?
I grew up in a christian family, although now im undecided, but am certainly not christian, while I have many distinct beliefs such as reincarnation.

I'm starting to get frustrated with having OBEs I don't know sometimes I think I was just never meant to have one, like there are secrets I cannot learn. Yet I totally believe its possible I've had experiences while I slept which made me feel as if I was somewhere else, speaking to people I know in this life in the astral realm.

Sorry for the long post, lots of background info!
Any ideas, or knowledge as to why I seem to be having problems, or why I haven't been able to OBE would be great, any help would be greatly appriciated! I'd love to explore myself more spiritually I'm just totally unsatisfied with myself now