Quote Originally Posted by Jexx View Post
While I understand where CTF and Olyris are coming from, I would like to mention that I have discovered and experienced things whilst out of body, in other locations in the world and even in other times, which were later verified as being 100% correct, so there is definite scope for discovery of things via OBE.

I believe there have also been experiments with OBE which proved this capability (real time zone experiments). I have done one such experiment informally with my friend, who was totally shocked.

Best Wishes

Correct. That's why the theosophists and many other authors, including Robert, divide the subtle planes in etheric, rtz, astral, mental, causal, on and on. You usually obtain verifiable information in the etheric and rtz (often with fluctuations). But a lot of times people are in the astral plane thinking they're in the physical plane (etheric) and mistake what they see with what exists in their timeline, and this brings problems, such as false prophecy, which is so rampant these days.