How are you? It's been a long time. I used to be involved in the forums a couple of years ago on Astral Pulse. I'm going through a very difficult time in my life. My husband and I are getting a divorce and will have to fight for custody of our baby. It's a long story. I was laying down trying to sleep, and I just kept thinking of all the drama. It's difficult to let go. Sometimes when I'm going through that, I imagine that you (and another author I admire, also a Robert) are here with me to give me support. You hold my left hand and he holds my right hand. I don't imagine taking energy, because that's wrong. It's nice to know that you are there and it's healing for me. In a way, it also lets me be in the presence of positive male energy and it gives me hope.

So that brings me to the question I wanted to ask. Is it ok that I do this? Do you mind helping me out in this way? If you feel that it would alter your energy in any way, I could just focus on earth and air for comfort. I've read your books, so I have knowledge about how I can heal myself. When the emotion and drama is so heavy, it's hard to find strength to put it into practice.

I'm looking forward to any information or suggestions you might have.