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Thread: What do you guys think of this movie?

  1. #11
    IA56 Guest

    Re: What do you guys think of this movie?

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    Certainly not! My life is about service, SERVICE to my own and others, and I don't draw a line between them. Humanity is my own and service is to whomever comes my way and needs a little help, which I might provide. The benefits of giving so out-weigh the cost that it is the fuel of my spiritual life. Only good Fortune and a frugal life have made this possible for me and I can only hope that 'at the Gates of St Peter' my generosity will be commended; as there is little else to save me.
    Thank you for your honest are the one who must save your I have wrote a PM to you about more questions, I do not know if I shall go on asking in this thread?? You decide....


  2. #12
    IA56 Guest

    Re: What do you guys think of this movie?

    Quote Originally Posted by ButterflyWoman View Post
    I don't draw a lot of distinction between "self" and "other" if I can help it. It's unavoidable sometimes, because, well, it's the nature of the human beast, but the whole idea of "good" being pouring out your life on other people and "evil" being taking care of yourself is a misnomer. If I hadn't learned to care for myself, nurture myself, look out for myself, I would have died. Literally. Service to self is one of my great lessons in this life.
    Yes, you are right, but I am not talking about this natural first lessons what is...if you do not learn to care for your self you will not survive, that is true...I am talking about what is destroying our world...and in those 2 sayings is the we call satanism is service to self....and in this is inbedded not to care that more than half world is starving...if we would share NO-ONE would have to starve!!..This is service to others.

    Last edited by IA56; 30th June 2013 at 06:44 AM.

  3. #13

    Re: What do you guys think of this movie?

    On my way to my flat this morning I came across this small lizard in the middle of the pathway. I knew if I left it there it would get stood on or bitten by one of the dogs, so I coaxed it onto my hand and got it to a safer place. When I got inside I asked myself why I did this. I don't love the lizard but I also don't hate it. By the time I'd come out of my flat I'd analysed the situation to death. I think it was more to protect my frail sensibilities from witnessing an act of brutality. But, I was moving past something that needed help, I was in a position to get it out of danger, so I did. Even though this was a self serving act of kindness, the lizards small world benefited.

    I spent a lot of my life searching for the fundamental truth. Later on I realized I had secretly already decided for myself what that truth would be. The idea of what that truth would be changed every time I got a glimpse of a larger universe. From my current position I've realized, how can I look for something if I've already decided (even a subconscious decision) what shape the "truth" should take. I try now to really live in the present, take in as many details as I can. It seems to keep me busy enough so that I don't have the energy or means to look for any greater truth, other than enjoying that moment. This method will change, most things do, but for the moment it's quite fulfilling. This isn't to say that anyone should stop their search for a greater truth or to try and make the universe a better place through some great or small act of kindness, even if the kindness is towards yourself (bugger the motivation behind the kindness). I know I'm reaffirming what others have voiced in this post, but I suppose it's only because I agree.

  4. #14
    IA56 Guest

    Re: What do you guys think of this movie?

    Quote Originally Posted by BDeye View Post
    On my way to my flat this morning I came across this small lizard in the middle of the pathway. I knew if I left it there it would get stood on or bitten by one of the dogs, so I coaxed it onto my hand and got it to a safer place. When I got inside I asked myself why I did this. I don't love the lizard but I also don't hate it. By the time I'd come out of my flat I'd analysed the situation to death. I think it was more to protect my frail sensibilities from witnessing an act of brutality. But, I was moving past something that needed help, I was in a position to get it out of danger, so I did. Even though this was a self serving act of kindness, the lizards small world benefited.

    I spent a lot of my life searching for the fundamental truth. Later on I realized I had secretly already decided for myself what that truth would be. The idea of what that truth would be changed every time I got a glimpse of a larger universe. From my current position I've realized, how can I look for something if I've already decided (even a subconscious decision) what shape the "truth" should take. I try now to really live in the present, take in as many details as I can. It seems to keep me busy enough so that I don't have the energy or means to look for any greater truth, other than enjoying that moment. This method will change, most things do, but for the moment it's quite fulfilling. This isn't to say that anyone should stop their search for a greater truth or to try and make the universe a better place through some great or small act of kindness, even if the kindness is towards yourself (bugger the motivation behind the kindness). I know I'm reaffirming what others have voiced in this post, but I suppose it's only because I agree.
    WoW...thank you for reaffirming...all starts with one self...first you have to fix your self....and from this the greater truth will revele and go as rings in the water but now it goes in the air to the wholeiness of the existence...I have seen this what happens when we work and cleanse our inner...we do heal the nature powerful it is, and we are that is the key to the words in the bible...that men is the in charge over the nature...I do not remember the right words from the bible...but you know what I mean, right??

  5. #15

    Re: What do you guys think of this movie?

    from this the greater truth will revele and go as rings in the water but now it goes in the air to the wholeiness of the existence
    I don't know, maybe, I'll have to think about it a little. But, can I make peace with never knowing any greater truth and enjoy the universe for what I am able to perceive it as, at this moment.

    that men is the in charge over the nature
    I don't know if I'm in control of anything, whether it be the world around me or my own inner nature. Certainly I try to control my own inner nature, but it's kind of like riding a wave, my inner world rises up to outside stimuli and I try to control my reaction as best I can. I try nurture a sense of peace and joy to what I perceive, but sometimes I react to the world around me with anger, I do try channel that anger to a positive end (sometimes unsuccessfully).

    I think there is an inherent need for the quest in human nature. That without battle, what we have isn't of value.

    first you have to fix your self
    If there is something that needs to be fixed, if not an act of kindness to oneself can just be enjoyed for what it is, a moment of happiness.

    I know there is most likely a lot of contradiction in what I'm saying ( I'm a conflicted bugger).

  6. #16
    IA56 Guest

    Re: What do you guys think of this movie?

    Quote Originally Posted by BDeye View Post
    I don't know, maybe, I'll have to think about it a little. But, can I make peace with never knowing any greater truth and enjoy the universe for what I am able to perceive it as, at this moment.

    I don't know if I'm in control of anything, whether it be the world around me or my own inner nature. Certainly I try to control my own inner nature, but it's kind of like riding a wave, my inner world rises up to outside stimuli and I try to control my reaction as best I can. I try nurture a sense of peace and joy to what I perceive, but sometimes I react to the world around me with anger, I do try channel that anger to a positive end (sometimes unsuccessfully).

    I think there is an inherent need for the quest in human nature. That without battle, what we have isn't of value.

    If there is something that needs to be fixed, if not an act of kindness to oneself can just be enjoyed for what it is, a moment of happiness.

    I know there is most likely a lot of contradiction in what I'm saying ( I'm a conflicted bugger).
    The first I will say is that it is not ever easy to be understood what I try to say with word´s about the greater spheres, I am shaking my head and tearing my hair, how shall I say....I give it one more try, and we´ll see how that will be understood by you

    "can I make peace with never knowing any greater truth and enjoy the universe for what I am able to perceive it as, at this moment."...YES you can, it has to do for what reason you are here this time...and maybe it is to learn to live in the now and nothing if you are happy then you are happy.

    "I don't know if I'm in control of anything, whether it be the world around me or my own inner nature. Certainly I try to control my own inner nature, but it's kind of like riding a wave, my inner world rises up to outside stimuli and I try to control my reaction as best I can. I try nurture a sense of peace and joy to what I perceive, but sometimes I react to the world around me with anger, I do try channel that anger to a positive end (sometimes unsuccessfully).".....What I meant was from the GOD perspective what was written in the Bible as GOD´s plan for the mankind...the order of things so to speak...that we was put here to garden the nature...and what I ment was to understand this from the right work to understand how powerful we are, I have seen that if we work with our inner, to cleanse it....we will heal...and when we heal and live in healthy way, then also nature will stop poluting our self´s is to stop poluting I have to deepen this further or do you understand what I mean??

    "If there is something that needs to be fixed, if not an act of kindness to oneself can just be enjoyed for what it is, a moment of happiness.

    I know there is most likely a lot of contradiction in what I'm saying ( I'm a conflicted bugger)."......To fix oneself is to work out the 7 sind´s what is ...jellosy, gluttony, egoism...I do not remember them now, but you get what I get control over your own selfishness what is work out the stuck energy from your childhood and from other incarnations, to understand your family herititage most the negative one...because we are are me and I am you...


  7. #17

    Re: What do you guys think of this movie?

    The first I will say is that it is not ever easy to be understood what I try to say with word´s about the greater spheres
    Don't worry often I have difficulty understanding what I've written let alone what others have written. That's why I go back and reread and then kick myself for not phrasing it better.

    do I have to deepen this further or do you understand what I mean??
    No, that makes sense. I'll be the first to admit that there is quite a bit of repair work (inner and outer) that needs to be undertaken in my life. Although I won't let this stop me from enjoying my world, even though it's not perfect.

  8. #18
    IA56 Guest

    Re: What do you guys think of this movie?

    Quote Originally Posted by BDeye View Post
    Don't worry often I have difficulty understanding what I've written let alone what others have written. That's why I go back and reread and then kick myself for not phrasing it better.

    No, that makes sense. I'll be the first to admit that there is quite a bit of repair work (inner and outer) that needs to be undertaken in my life. Although I won't let this stop me from enjoying my world, even though it's not perfect.
    Thank you BDeye for your kind understanding
    You give me curage not to give up trying to put in word´s how I understand life.
    I do LOVE life, just as it is, I do sing and dance a rejoice every new day I am here to face, even at the hardest day´s even I am all tears I know that all what come´s into my life bad as good is for my own best, it is to see the deep meaning of WHY. I do not anymore feel as a victim, but to say THANK YOU for showing me what I must work with to become whole


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