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Thread: Nursing babies

  1. #311

    Re: Nursing babies

    First I woke up to a tinny kind of voice speaking but I wasn't lucid enough to take in what was said. I only remembered the last bit where it said " I'm sure you can handle it" .So will forget that bit.

    Short dream,
    I'm bathing a baby with a sponge and soap and water lying on it's back with its legs and arms splayed out as they do.
    Next thing I'm feeding it pieces of chicken. Not much chicken left just a small leg but as I go to feed it the baby has turned into a small chicken but I'm not surprised at this and as I put the raw piece of chicken to the baby chicken's mouth I realise the chicken's shape has turned into the same shape of the piece of leg I'm feeding it. In the dream I stop to think about this.I am feeding it one of its own species.

    This is connected with my reluctance to give up eating chicken. Not ready for this yet.

    I'm sitting on a chair in an empty room. All the furniture has been taken away. Someone speaks and once again I wake up just when the speaking is going on and it was something like. " as the body is emptied the house is cleared and moves on."
    Another short dream.
    I'm in a hotel where a really handsome man in a suit is standing behind a counter leading to the ladies toilet. I decide he's a boss of some sort and is waiting for someone to come and assist him with something so take it upon myself to go over to him to assist. He wants to inspect the toilets. I suggest I check to see there are no women in first. There aren't so as we go in he looks around and seems satisfied so I follow him out where he talks about changes to be made over the now I'm listening to what he's saying and he's pointing to the rest area and the canteen. He's talking about plans to take the canteen away. This surprised me and he rushes ahead of me to leave and changes into a short frumpy old woman. Still in the dream this has surprised me , his change in appearance, and tell my friends what had just happened and that they were going to loose the canteen.

    I really seem to be having an internal battle starting with chicken now, but in physical I'm NOT ready yet and have no intention of giving this up.

    Final dream.
    I'm standing around a circular table in a hotel again with friends around. The table has just one box in the middle of the table. Someone opens the box and an announcement comes from it and it seems to be loud and heard by everyone .
    My full name Susan ... ...... is announced and I am formerly invited to a weekend retreat to a FARM! ( I felt my friends had clubbed together to send me away for a surprise birthday present) . The announcement continued as the full list of christian and surnames were read out. At this point I woke up still listening to the list of names.
    Then as I am aware I've woken up and listening to names I see a symbol of a burning flame.

    1) Am I causing my own internal battle with eating chicken because in physical I don't currently have a probelm with it but in the dream state I seem to ?
    2) the names that just reeled off. I wish I could remember even one of them. ( over the last year or so I have been feeling the need to know Who Am I.? The many episodes with the heavily painted witch type face that came to a conclusion of AKEO. Since that conclusion there have been no more episodes with the witch. Message understood- move on?
    Since then I've now been wishing I could remember just something from the past . Were these names of importance? If so I've forgotten all.
    3) There seems to be a subtle Invitation being suggested.
    25/7/14. Being asked if I wanted to join the rest of the family in the park.
    The sheet of paper signed with 'Your always welcome'
    Or just wishful thinking.

  2. #312

    Re: Nursing babies

    In dreams I'm still aware of someone in the distance observing.
    Also a tinny sounding voice is coming through, almost mechanical.


    A very short scene where I'm standing with a friend( someone I know in physical,) who is standing on the edge of a slight drop down to a stream. She is holding a baby. I warn her to be careful she may drop the baby. She doesn't listen to me and drops the baby by accident. As she retrieves the baby I feel annoyance that she didn't listen to what I told her. She starts to show her frustration at my reaction but immediately my thoughts change direction and the anger has gone and I feel how she must be feeling. I tell her " no I'm not angry with you . I can understand how you must be feeling. You must be feeling awful."
    So immediately my thoughts went from annoyance to understanding and sympathy.
    I was aware the whole time of someone a short distance away on the other side of the stream just observing .
    ( I wonder if he/she?( had trousers on) put the thoughts into my dreaming mind so I would see the correct way to react to situations?)
    Compassion seems to be the thought here.
    2nd Dream.
    I'm with a group of people( didn't get the feeling of friends this time) behind a gate. There's a crowd of people on the other side of the gate and one man stands out from the crowd and holds out his arm as I approach. He gives me a bundle of small objects I can hold in the palm of my hand. He says " Here's your honey". As I walk away from him there is a small container the size of a big key ring and I tilt my head backwards raising the container in the air above my open mouth and let the contents flow into my mouth.
    End of dream.
    I cann't find anything on the Internet with reference to drinking honey in this manner. The reason I searched was because I believe I was taken back (earlier in the journal ) to a storage room with steps leading up to the hot dessert where jars of honey were stored hanging on hooks on the wall. Was told then how it would last for thousands of years. ( later found this last part to be true. Page 11 17/8/13. )This was the time I was getting pyramids and dessert and the river Nile, and having a strong feeling of being banished from the land and leaving a woman I loved behind.

    Yesterday so many short dreams with group of friends. Just before wakening up I heard a tinny voice again, almost a computerised ,mechanical type voice.I heard it announce ." Enough has been shown. Stop now." Immediately my whole vision is taken up with a bright orange / red circle.

    Looking at this first one again I wonder if this could be to do with my stubbornness to give up chicken, to listen. I hope not.
    Last edited by susan; 23rd August 2014 at 07:14 PM.

  3. #313

    Re: Nursing babies

    I feel a little silly writing this but how many times have I written something that I felt would be laughed at . However for the last week or two I have memories of short flashes of seeing my hand with my fingers chopped off. I didn't write about this but was trying to work out what it could mean . It was repeated so knew I didn't get it. I find I'm getting overly sensitive to responses to anything that involves my input. Even after posting on this site I feel a dread when logging in just incase. Now this isn't normal and please anyone continue as normal I need to toughen up.( I think it's just a phase I'm going through)
    So had decided to the finger chopping bit may be suggesting times that I may regret posting something.

    Tonight I took a different twist to this. Have just switched off the telly and am on my own so wondered if I could repeat the two occasions where I have been posting but a different message was written to the one I thought I was writing.
    At the times I recalled the suggestion a few pages back where I thought automatic writing may be on the cards.
    So closed my eyes and with 2 fingers just went with it .
    It was rubbish ...... Tried again with one finger this time ...... It was rubbish.
    Finally , I sent out a request that ok I've got it wrong, you can have a laugh on me up there but please give me one last chance to see if I can make some kind of contact.
    Closed eyes .. This is what I wrote.

    Vbnjh. Vegan veg vg change go.

    Even the spaces between the words were in the right, places.
    Anyone following my battle with giving up chicken will understand.

  4. #314
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Hi Susan,

    I do totally undertand your feelings of fear of being laught at....and also fear of others reactions to my writings, so I totally unerstand.
    I did see this as the ego/soul battle...ego´s death fear...and today I know it was that....ego does never win, it does not exist at all...and even the try to convinse that body has any value but as a comminications device and will be still here after I go home...I am eternal, ego is only invented as a good and temperary teacher...and a damn good one

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #315

    Re: Nursing babies

    I understand you, Susan. Fascinating about the writing. The subconscious (HS, soul, whatever) is trying to tell you something, I feel. The path of compassion is not an easy one to follow, but I never regretted it. Blessings to you!

  6. #316

    Re: Nursing babies

    IA56, and LPCF, thank you both for your encouragement.
    LPCF, ' Path Of Compassion' . Yes you've hit the nail on the head. Spot on.
    By 27/6/13 I came to the conclusion that I was being strongly directed along the path of giving up eating animals.( picture of hedgehog/ man, lamb with cross through it ( also seen as sacrifice) and killing slugs).
    I stopped eating all meat except chicken but the issue is still repeating in my dreams. Even the dream the other night where my reaction suddenly changed from being angry to compassion for the person. The thing is I know I try my best with people. So I feel compassion for all animals including chicken is the issue.
    I haven't eaten other meats for approx 8 weeks now, and after the writing episode the other night I'm willing to TRY to cut out all.
    So here goes. Haven't eaten chicken for 4 days. I will meet myself half way to start with. If I run out of ideas for meals I may have some . Also 2 weeks time will be on holiday so I will accept that I may have some . This will not be failure just acknowledging the fact.

    However I AM NOT going to the extreme of being a Vegan!

  7. #317

    Re: Nursing babies

    Have felt the need today to do some reading on the reasons why not to eat meat . What is written about this subject to help me really get behind my decision rather than just because this is coming strongly from the other side.
    In other words. " Don't just follow blindly. Study Life" . Joseph Campbell.

    Firstly what I will not take seriously as a reason is Religion.
    With all due respect to anyone reading this practicing a form of religion I read an excellent article pointing out the inconsistency of dietary components of different religious faiths. From , Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, to Buddhism.
    Although I believe all followers of these faiths to be striving to live as directed from their religious teachings,
    Some can eat meat, some cann't. Those that can eat meat differ in the types they can eat compared to other religions , allowing meat eating. Some can eat meat as long as they themselves have not done the necessary killing.
    However , what is obvious is that even with the inconsistency the subject of meat eating is a topic of their teachings.

    Then there is the point to note that everything has life. We already know that everything is made up of energy.
    Guru Nanak Dev says, " water is the Source of all life whether vegetable or animal. None of the grain of corn is without life. There is life in water by which all is made green, thus there is life in vegetation and life in all types of creatures."
    So I suppose how do we discriminate what we kill and what we don't kill. We have human bodies that need substance to survive.
    The famous saying " LIFE EATS LIFE" , the symbol of the snake eating it's own tail. Ouroboros.
    So , I'm still not convinced in fact this is a very good argument for eating meat.
    However, just because the sweet shop is full of sweets it doesn't mean I have to eat all of them.

    Now This Is Where I Have Been Convinced To Try To Stop Eating Meat.

    We don't need to eat everything on offer just because it's on the supermarket shelves. We cannot avoid killing life as long as we have a physical body so maybe the ones with a heart and brain could be spared.
    Megan Kaul ,a Pranic Healer and Nutrition Consultant writes of there being no need to take the lives of animals in order to be healthy.
    Spirituality is about striving to minimise harm to others and causing suffering. AHISMA ( to do no harm, to show kindness and non violence towards all living) we are all connected.

    I know a few adults who are vegetarian. The reason they give me is that many years ago when they were children their fathers were butchers and the slaughter house would call on them frequently to do the killing. They were sickened as children.

    Meat is considered to be full of ' dirty energy' . The body has trouble to process and eliminate which takes up energy .
    Elimination could improve ones health. Meat hardly has any vibration. Plants , especially fresh has a very high vibration.
    Removing meat may be one of the fastest and easiest way to raise vibration, apparently, helping towards Purification of the Mind and Body.

    So this is no scholarly article . Just a little reminder for myself when I feel like giving in to temptation ,as to why so many of my dreams recently have pointed towards this direction that I was reluctant to really get behind fully.
    The writing the other day was the most convincing for me.
    Will be interesting to see whether this type of dream stops now. Got it! Message understood.

  8. #318
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    Have felt the need today to do some reading on the reasons why not to eat meat . What is written about this subject to help me really get behind my decision rather than just because this is coming strongly from the other side.
    In other words. " Don't just follow blindly. Study Life" . Joseph Campbell.

    Firstly what I will not take seriously as a reason is Religion.
    With all due respect to anyone reading this practicing a form of religion I read an excellent article pointing out the inconsistency of dietary components of different religious faiths. From , Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, to Buddhism.
    Although I believe all followers of these faiths to be striving to live as directed from their religious teachings,
    Some can eat meat, some cann't. Those that can eat meat differ in the types they can eat compared to other religions , allowing meat eating. Some can eat meat as long as they themselves have not done the necessary killing.
    However , what is obvious is that even with the inconsistency the subject of meat eating is a topic of their teachings.

    Hi Susan,
    I am feeling as you are about religions, if they are to used in right way there will be peace on earth and everyone looking after one and other, not like today, killing each others. That is not the purpose of religion, and it is used wrong today.
    There has bean good atemts of several trying to bring forth the message of LOVE but they have failed to give a wither understanding in a individual, I have suffered a lot about this, and I was given that all will find home eventually, but no time was given, and then this was given about the A Course in Miracles to me to write here about....and the person whom the dictation was given was a doctor Helen Suchcman, a professor of medical psychology...still it is focused on religion....but I know that Jesus Christ was totally aware and he said also that he has not come to start a religion, but to free everyone....My feeling is ...that religions if they are followed as they where ment to be, then there can not be war or anything of destruction against each others.
    So what I am trying to say is for each of you, try to see the core of all....also in you....and do not let some details to fool you, try to take in the depts of all, not the delusions of what is trying to drag you off course.
    It is not easy to communicate and I fail all the time, but I do not give up, I am going to try and try and soon I will understand, and when I understand I can communicate better.

    Last edited by IA56; 25th August 2014 at 05:20 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #319

    Re: Nursing babies

    2 short OBEs

    4.30 am. Settled after main sleep and little energy work all over. Did usual silence mind hoping for something in brow but could feel my self sinking, going under when I'm floating upwards. Knew OBE in progress. No vibrations or astral noise. Moving to the right.
    Very quickly I'm in a large area that looked like a massive department store or shopping mall. Only 180vision. Massive wide stairway behind me. I say behind me with 180 vision because that was all I could see . I was travelling backwards but got the feeling someone was holding me sideways. Saw people going down these stairs but we were going higher up the stairs on the other side.I/we? are going into an elevator . It's at this point that I realise ( or think) that the walls are steel so will act like a mirror. I can look to see who is carrying me. At that exact point it's over and I'm back awake in bed.
    Spent about an hour thinking about this and decided maybe I wasn't meant to see who it was but just the experience of going up the stairs and going in a lift may just be letting me know my decision about the meat was going in the right direction.

    After settling mind found myself floating upwards again. Vision wasn't good. Had some sight but difficulty seeing clearly then it got clearer. I'm floating down to the ground. I'm in a room sparsely furnished. A pair of long curtains were closed taking up the size of a wall in a small house. Decided there would be a window behind the curtains and had read many times on the forum and books that going through the window could take me into astral so rose up from ground and headed with intention of going straight through without stopping ,but I couldn't. I penetrated part of the material but it was like hitting a sticky balloon. AsI moved back it felt like having chewing gum stuck to the front of me teeth. I did what I may have done if something had flown onto your lips quickly and puffed out and produced lovely soapy looking bubbles. As I'm doing this I know there is no air on astral so was amused as I did it again knowing I was producing these bubbles with my own mind.
    Then I see two men standing close against the wall at the side of me. One of them is blond hair approx 27-early 30s.
    He comes closer but still against the wall and says something like. " Yes, she only had one eye, it was me who helped her' .
    He was smiling at me, almost grinning cheekily. I'm just thinking that he wasn't bad looking when I was back in bed awake. Over.
    I don't think the first OBE I was meant to see who had me. More a communication.
    The second one, well I've entered a cave before where women came up to me and spoke and as I went to the door to explore outside my attention was taken by a woman and was asked to wait.
    This time once again it's like a tease. The wide curtains, window behind but there was no way I was meant to explore and go through because I did nothing wrong. There was a barrier up. I think this was meant for me to see the young man but once again it ended so quickly without wanting it to.
    I know spirit can take any shape or characters can be created. A while back I wrote that when I've perceived a shadowy figure I seem to feel the warmth and kindness and a sort of character builds as to how it wants to be seen.
    I think I didn't have long enough to work out what I thought of this quit good looking young man.

  10. #320

    Re: Nursing babies

    Once again something strange has happened.
    After work early afternoon I read a chapter of ultimate journey again byRobert Munroe.
    This is the chapter where he is communicating and finding out about his other lives that have lead up to his ( at the time) current life as Bob.
    He describes his realisation as ' every beam of light was one of me, one of my I There personalities complete with a different life experience ' . He talks of communicating with them . They had their own personalities that spoke to him at that time ,and discovering the times they had shone through him to help in the tasks required if they had the skills on his then current lifetime.

    So this is where my thoughts are.

    The communication I have been getting sometimes appearing to be male personality sometimes female personality but mostly showing the same sense of humour I would have may be parts of me from previous lives.
    I know there is a difference on the fun communication to the more serious communication that comes from what I have decided to call Teachers.. Then there is what I would call the ' higher uppers ' that I feel the words are more chosen and loving but short communication. I feel quite privileged to receive this. Higher self or should it be called Higher Selves.
    So , to my confusion....... Tonight after reading Robert's chapter described above I went for 1 hour of the Hemi sync and energy raising with some thoughts and requests thrown in amongst trying to silence the mind.
    I asked if I could throw out a wish that I would really like to
    have more communication through the day which makes everything more convincing , ( not to impress anyone other than myself to feel closer to them) and this would be great if it could be the writing as has happened three times now recently. As I settled I thought I picked up ' a hope' . Maybe this was just me acknowledging my request, I don't know, maybe imagination.
    What isn't my imagination though is 1 hour later wondering just who if any may be the main character prominent in helping me in spirit, I decided to do a little writing again with the I Pad.
    Closed eyes , had my right hand cupped tightly against the edge of it and went with it just for a few seconds expecting rubbish.

    This is what I wrote with the same spaces and full stops .( I'm aware that when you spell a name the computer automatically corrects this to a capital. )

    HHmmmm. BEN. BEN. Mmmm.

    I ended with a full stop. This is my husbands name that I have been married to for 37 years.( holiday romance, had been with him 4 days when we decided to get married) Both the E and N both times were capital letters with a full stop and a gap and repeated.
    The puzzle here is I didn't move my writing hand from where it was positioned. There is no way my finger could have reached the capital letter arrow.
    So.... I was asking who was prominent on the other side helping me and my husbands name came up ( who doesn't follow any of this)
    I have to think this one out. If We belong to the same soul group, then do we both have the same past personalities therefore the same future personalities ( selves?) I can see for my own mind I've opened a whole new can of questions.

    I have to add a thought here.
    The other day I posted how much I regretted opening up to my husband because he thought it was in my mind. The only reason I did was because I recalled a very memorable scene where I am being begged by him to open up to him! ( just upon wakening)
    Maybe I was meant to , to wake him up a little, to plant the seed??

    A year on and have since read the ' michael's teachings', where an explanation is given that a group of entities( spirits, fragments) who belong together coming to learn at the same time all agree to share the same higher consciousness.

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