I Want to just note here what a wonderful day I've had that could have ended so differently.
This morning in between short light naps I woke to, " Susan, this is the way to best barbecue chicken". It made me laugh a bit because I didn't enjoy my evening meal. I overcooked the veggy sausages whilst cooking hubby a steak. This was almost like a tease.
So when going back to sleep I just sent out a thought that I appreciate I may be talking to me in my sleep, but a me that knows far more than me . Woke up again. This time picked up
" When I passed over the Lord called out to me. "
I find this interesting considering the topic on suicide I reluctantly felt I needed to respond to.
I have never referred to the Lord in this journal. I do not follow any religious pattern.
So by the time I left for work this am I was disturbed by what I had read in a thread on this forum. If I had been day off this would have stayed with me all day, but I was with my lovely ladies in the Dimentia care home. I was met at the door by six residents , all smiling , saying good morning and my day was filled with laughter and hugs. Loved it.
These ladies have no idea how much they can lift you
Forgot to add, after the chicken thing ( and barbecue I used to love) I started to think of the soup I make and freeze. Will soon need to make more and was thinking of the chicken I put in this and as I dozed off was feeling sure this tiny amount would be okay.
Upon wakening I picked up. " oh no, that would be wrong"