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Thread: Nursing babies

  1. #431

    Re: Nursing babies

    Back to normal. Hay fever may have contributed to the lethargy and being spaced out.
    Projection again this morning approx 4.35am . I got my wish even though it's been a long time coming.
    I've been wanting to get back out there amongst the stars.
    4.10 visit bathroom. Decided to focus on brow exercises so visualising close ups of flowers from memory from vase in kitchen. Then listened to noises in head. Shortly I could feel myself being drawn upwards. This was straight up but so slowly, but now I could hear my husband's voice as if talking mumbling in his sleep. But he never talks in his sleep. Finally going faster upwards but no plane engine noise this time.
    No sight for a few seconds then it set in. Wonderful. Black space I'm speeding so fast .The black space was filled with tiny looking silver stars/ planets/orbs? Thing is I got the feeling they were all travelling towards me as if they were not stationary. We were both going in the opposite direction.
    Ended abruptly.
    Such a contrast from pure white to jet black and silver but both beautiful.

  2. #432

    Re: Nursing babies

    Another brow centre strobe last night. ( I'm assuming it was)
    10.30 pm . Read a little of Seths work, settled, just mind wandering to pictures on Facebook I'd been looking at of a friend who is leaving Germany ( army vacating)when a sudden brilliant white flash behind eyelids hearing at the same time a sound like a metal clunk. Just like a blinding flash of a camera.
    Pleased with this because I knew what it was but I hadn't had time to do any energy work.

  3. #433

    Re: Nursing babies

    This was posted 30th January 15

    Don't understand why I dreamt this but I woke up instantly from it with a lump in my throat.

    I'm lying on a wide road sunbathing when a double decker bus comes nearer. A child runs out into its way and I quickly warn the driver about the child. He misses it and gives me a wave in thanks then does a 360 degree circle with the bus very fast.
    I notice that the bus is so packed full with people that they are almost hanging out of the window with suitcases going on holiday and very happy. Then in horror he's gone too fast and the bus topples onto its side. This is horrible, worst thing to happen.
    People running over to help so immediately I'm in emergency mode. I run up steps to an office to ring 999.A man is on the phone just smiling at me . He couldn't have been calling for an ambulance because he wouldn't be smiling. I keep repeating 999 ambulance. As I'm using the phone I'm thinking of the blankets in the bedroom next door. I'll take them outside . They'll need them.
    Woke up with a lump in my throat.
    Dissapointed because I was in the middle of about to help people/ relieved because it had only been a dream.

    I could be way off track here but I picked out some key points here.

    Lying sunbathing.
    Holidaymakers with suitcases going on holiday happy.
    A tragedy happens involving the people.
    Emergency services needed.
    Someone just smiling, not caring, just standing.

    A month ago I told my husband that I picked up one morning that there would be some sad news about our holiday. Forgot about this , he just reminded me.

    We are booked up to visit Tunisia 2nd August- 12August
    It may not have been meaning this but there is food for thought.
    Anyway I have no intention of cancelling.
    All my husband's family will be there and I will not allow these poor misguided terrorists dictate where I go on holiday.
    Get the sun cream out!

    Looks like I have no option now. Holiday cancelled by tour operator.

  4. #434

    Re: Nursing babies

    I've missed out on some wonderful words all because I hadn't made sure I had pen and paper to hand.
    This morning in that semi stage when a thought came to mind. Just about 5 words.This was followed by some more, then some more. I now had 3 short sentences I was recalling and thinking how wonderful these words were and infact would make up my own signature at the bottom of a post.went to bathroom then study. No pen. Decided I'd remember them in the morning. Wrong.
    All I remember is the meaning I took from these words and it was something like this..

    "The destination is not the importance, but the journey.
    What we do here on earth leads us to what I want to see, the destination."

    These words are clumsy but try to give my understanding.
    When I think of some wonderful experiences I've had many have followed something good I've done . Whether it was to give good advice, want to do good for people, have a wonderful day giving out lots of comfort.
    Even bitten my tongue when verbally attacked.

    So the more effort (or maybe there should eventually be no effort) we put into our daily lives to help others as well as looking after ourselves will reap rewards.
    But we know this already so maybe I just needed a reminder .
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  5. #435
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    I've missed out on some wonderful words all because I hadn't made sure I had pen and paper to hand.
    This morning in that semi stage when a thought came to mind. Just about 5 words.This was followed my some more, then some more. I now had 3 short sentences I was recalling and thinking how wonderful these words were and infact would make up my own signature at the bottom of a post.went to bathroom then study. No pen. Decided I'd remember them in the morning. Wrong.
    All I remember is the meaning I took from these words and it was something like this..

    "The destination is not the importance, but the journey.
    What we do here on earth leads us to what I want to see, the destination."

    These words are clumsy but try to give my understanding.
    When I think of some wonderful experiences I've had many have followed something good I've done . Whether it was to give good advice, want to do good for people, have a wonderful day giving out lots of comfort.
    Even bitten my tongue when verbally attacked.

    So the more effort (or maybe there should eventually be no effort) we put into our daily lives to help others as well as looking after ourselves will reap rewards.
    But we know this already so maybe I just needed a reminder .
    Thank you Susan, we need a reminder now and then for sure

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #436

    Re: Nursing babies

    Fatigue slowly lifting. For days now when trying meditation Im just falling asleep. Trying to raise energy doing NEWS and within less than a minute my mind goes blank and I forget which chakra I was doing so decide to go to sleep. Saturday afternoon just lay down and slept.
    I'm always finding another reason for this, work, hay fever, heavy lifting, gardening.
    I think it's time I just accepted that some of this may be due to energetic change within the body.
    I read this is expected.
    Last night before sleeping I wondered if I was about ready to get back to news and meditation without falling asleep and eventually try for an experience of any sort.
    Woke up to a lovely lullaby being gently spoken.
    Something like " fly high my baby, like a bird in the sky".
    Back to sleep.
    Woke up to a voice like mine as if announcing with urgency.

    " Susan, I've heard there's going to be a death this month. Could it be a baby?"

    This unsettled me because my son's girlfriend is expecting a baby next month but the medics think it will come anytime now. There were health issues at the beginning of the pregnancy.
    This was heard so clearly.
    More time I've had to think of this I realise that everything I've picked up has been a riddle that needs working out. This makes it more genuine . Effort has to be put in to working out the meaning.
    My speeding fine, why children were inside a hearse, thunderbirds are go.
    They come in hints. This was a statement that upset me but I don't think it was meant the way I took it.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  7. #437

    Re: Nursing babies

    The Death of a baby had been playing on my mind.
    Back to 45 mins energy raising and only got 20 mins meditation done when I got all excited. I remembered another time when I got the death of a baby but that time it was visual and stored in an old black diary when I was posting on this site but was not posting on this journals section.
    Looked it up and this is what was written .

    JUNE 2012
    Baby.....tiny.... was poorly....may die.

    I see a man standing in a river holding a baby in his arms. I see him from his trousers downwards.
    He slowly lowers the baby into the river saying " It's gone"
    I could still see it breathing. Why did he put it in the river when it was still alive but he says it's dead?
    I didn't understand and in that same night the vision was repeated just before wakening up and I see him put two fingers into the baby' mouth.
    Although on paper this reads as a bad thing I felt compassion from this and that the man was gentle in his holding and lowering of the baby.
    My text book suggests ...Birth and Death, a good sign of awakening to a new level of awareness.

    Well I'll just have to wait and see but I don't feel disturbed now.
    Interestingly I've started reading from a site by Dr. Suzanne Lie @
    A lot to read but describes her understanding of the

    The Conscious
    The Superconscious.
    Through her descriptive journey of different stages of realisation it then leads to talk of the Pleiadian Arcturian.
    This is a route I have not followed but can not dismiss the encounter I had on what I perceived as a space station and the people who met me in white. Deciding at the time that my senses were responsible for interpreting the energies that were infront of me , why then didn't I make them look like spacemen with space helmets on as I would expect in physical. I remember so clearly what they looked like and he had such a warm gentle voice.
    The fact is this was not a dream .This was a consciously induced Out of Body Experience where someone was behind me, had taken me there to meet these people. They were waiting to greet me.
    So if my senses interpreted the energy infront of me then they must have been energies different to the usual energy that my senses would interpret into a human or an animal.

    I have to be very careful here not to have come so far only to go down a complete wrong road and completely off track.
    I shall read this with interest but try to leave all doorways open.
    Just see what comes.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  8. #438

    Re: Nursing babies

    Woke up to " take your skates to your wings".
    Recalled dream but have forgotten now . It was a busy dream but I remember right at the end I'm ice skating avoiding obstacles when someone comes behind me and is skating behind me . As I weave around objects they are in complete harmony/ synchronicity with my movements.

    Another dream was me being shown something.I couldn't make out any features to the person with me but I'm being shown a beach full of people sitting on the sand.
    One half was completely in shade, dull. The other half was lovely and sunny. I comment on it being a shame for those people in the shade. Then as if the sky had been a drawing used as a prop in a theatre it slides across to reveal a full sunny sky beaming sunshine on all the people.

    I think this is to do with the worlds population. Those who are still in the dark and the hope that one day everyone will be enlightened.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  9. #439

    Re: Nursing babies

    Although I seem to be going through a rest period,( possibly due to events in physical life being a bit demanding, but pleasantly demanding) last nights dream was one I think worth noting.

    None of the characters in the dream had features to recognise, neither family members nor TV characters to link up with.I usually find these are meaningful.

    I'm going up some steep stairs with someone and it's quite dark. As I get to the top I can hear people snoring. I pass a comment that people here are asleep. There is a receptionist at the top who directs us
    where to go.
    I'm sitting with my companion in almost darkness at the side of a large corridor. Eventually a lady passes.She is young, modern dress and is walking towards us and then past us as if she hadn't seen us but she was almost like sleep walking, almost dazed like.
    A young man is walking behind her just following her. I think he was trying to get her attention but remained behind her. They both walked past out of view.
    Next thing someone we knew came towards us and I got all excited telling them " we saw her, we saw her. She was a ghost".
    The other person asks if we communicated with her and we said "no we didn't".

    That's all I remember of the dream . I had stayed up till about 11.30 watching a film ( not of my choice)
    It had killing in it but nothing to do with spiritual matters.
    I would love to think this was some kind of training and not just a wishful thinking kind of dream,
    But time may tell... Or not.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  10. #440

    Re: Nursing babies

    Wasn't going to bother with this dream I had last night as I have so much happening in physical but I think I need to.


    I'm looking after a small lion cub in my back garden making sure it doesn't get out when I notice it has found a hole in the netting keeping it in and it rushes out.
    I run out to catch it before it can do anyone any harm because they will see it as a lovely cute cub but I know it is very powerful. Next thing I'm running towards these people who have found it and it has turned into a full grown powerful lion.
    End of dream.

    So this morning over coffee reading Siriustar's post I thought to post and ask what type of powerful meditation it was he used but first I didn't know what the galactic alignment was really about so ,not wanting to show my ignorance too much I googled it.

    888 Galactic Alignment ' Lion's Gate'.

    Between 26/7/15 - 12/8/15 whilst the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo ( the Lion)
    Portals open allowing Galactic waves to bathe the Earth with light keys and codes and assist in the evolution of the planet's next cycle.

    I'm sure this dream was concerning this event as I can think of nothing in physical that it connects to .
    Also was the short dream posted above 25/7/15 where the beach is full of people and the sun is only shining on half the people on the beach and then the sky moves over to allow full sunshine on everyone, also connected?
    These two dreams also occurred 25/7/15 and 12/8/15.( or early hours of next day, not important.not going to quibble over few hours)

    So pleased Siriustar posted what he did or this lion dream would have been left out.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

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