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Thread: Nursing babies

  1. #551

    Re: Nursing babies

    Projection this morning sometime between 6.30-7.15 and just when I wasn't even trying. I have no idea what this one was about.

    Around 5.00am awake so little stimulation of chakras but heart wasn't in it. Back to sleep.Woke up 6.20. Recalled dream, hot in bed so kicked off duvet and lay on back just cooling off and cozy.
    Within minutes the loud roaring noise in the head like a plane waiting to take off right next to me. Recognised as pre- projection noise.
    No vibrations but sensed moving upwards and backwards.No awareness of loosening of body . Think this was through the brow as I was not aware of body parts the whole experience.
    As I was moving backwards first , to the right of me I saw a child's leg wearing white ankle socks , floating.
    This didn't make sense at the time so decided to ignore and to forget it. Let it go.
    Now I'm travelling forwards very fast still with loud noise. Everything black. Ahead in the distance I could see something. A few things then quickly they are in font of me.
    These were like many different shaped Windows with coloured glass with different figures engraved in each. These were just like Windows you would find in old churches. They were rotating round and round.
    Couldn't get long enough to stare at any one in particular to see who was depicted when suddenly they re to the right if me then behind.Gone.

    Now sense of moving forwards in black again but it clears and gets brighter and I'm coming into what looks like an arena in the distance.Seemed massive, only saw the area to the left for spectators and far ahead near the other end a load of chariots driven by horses. OMG! This was like going back in time.
    I still wasn't standing on the ground as if I had feet but hovering at a low enough height .
    I couldn't work this out. What was it about ? The chariots then started heading towards me. Got little anxious but stilled mind. Nothing is solid. Nothing can harm. The horse was heading straight for ne and looked so strong and powerful. Just as the two front legs are over me it's gone. Everything dissapeared. All is black, fully awake in body. Slight feeling of vibration . Checked clock. 7.15am.

    So, I have no idea what this was all about but delighted just to have experienced it.

    1) coloured church Windows engraved with people, ? Religious figures.? Rotating suggesting energy movement.( I wonder if anyone else has come across these?)

    2) the arena? Was this a simulation for consideration? If so why? Fear tests are long gone.I don't expect there to be an astral plane where this is still going on. Inhabitants of that era would probably be well advanced by now. ( could be any of us)
    Could this have been some kind of history stored like in the Akashic records?

    I'll have to wait to see if anything is added to this in the future.

    ( 1/10/16... page 57 concludes this was a simulation for my attention)

    Well, once again I'm writing of an event happening after (with little effort from me ) I've done something positive. Whether it's a good deed for someone, good thoughts. This time ..THE FISH decision.
    Like being given a treat as an incentive .
    Ready for the next.

    Need to add a thought here. Why didn't I just move out of the way.?I had thoughts rolling through my head as it was happening but I just decided to stay. Maybe this is an automatic reaction from previous times when I felt I was being tested for fear . A kind of 'bring it on'. When in RTZ in the past sometimes I felt I was in complete control, sometimes not . Astral often this other part of me is in control. Like when I just rolled out of the train window during the "Gratitude " experience.

    Edited 30/05/17

    Mystery of windows in space solved.
    Taken from.

    ..... As you travel mystically towards the Galactic Heavens you will find that you must go through a corridor which has stained glass windows of Christ and all of His apostles floating in the ethereal winds on each side. Why would this be? Because other worlds know Christ as Messiah just as we do. He has incarnated into many worlds for the same function.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  2. #552

    Re: Nursing babies

    Clairvoyance this morning whilst in liminal stage.
    Once again images that flashed up so quickly seperatly .

    I had still been undecided whether I should skip the all over energy work and spend more time in the future concentrating on just the brow.
    What I don't want is to loose that excitment of feeling I'm moving, travelling, going somewhere.

    1). Saw someone riding a lovely three wheeler bicycle. It was in bright colours again, red, orange, yellow etc..and made up of circles. Even the back rest was made up of circles.
    Not a single straight line to be seen.

    2) A quick thought... "This Is You! Then I see Mary Poppins holding an umbrella just slowly raising into the sky.

    3) A giant Munrano glass bead about 1 foot in diameter slotted around a woman's foot.

    The Munrano glass bead links to my pandora bracelet I've written about that only holds charms that have reminders of wonderful Mystical experiences I never want to forget.

    The NEWS will continue, and colours, and chakras.

    Still none the wiser about the last excursion. It's the chariots racing in the arena I cannt work out. Have sent out for help in understanding this but get nothing.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  3. #553

    Re: Nursing babies

    If ever I needed one last push to clean up my insides even further I've just had it.
    Yesterday I'd been reading up more on diet and watching video by Dr Robert Cassar on Bio- Photonic Light Absorption.
    I'm having to put a little more effort into thinking what to have for meals since the fish episode but so far so good. Had decided today will just be fruit and salad and water.

    This morning just as HB leaves for work my Kitchen sink blocks. I've just spent 2 hours on my knees unscrewing the plastic U bend and all the other bits taking disgusting black gunge from the parts. It Absolutly Stinks. It was so thick.
    This has me thinking back to what goes down there. Only what goes in my mouth plus sometimes detergent. Collection of food rinsed from plate . I don't expect the food to turn like that in my stomach and colon but all I can say is I want any food I eat to give me the nutrition and energy required for body then get out as quick as possible!
    Now I'm not suggesting for one moment my sink blocked up just when Susan needed a push. But possibly the other way round. Maybe the push I received from the othe side was timed well to coincide with the sink.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  4. #554

    Re: Nursing babies

    I want to bring this forward to remind me.
    The suggestion of someone else feeling there is someone with us, accompanying us.
    Also I'm sure there has been a discussion somewhere about someone standing on a planet looking at two planets close by and asking if anyone else has experienced this.

    3rd Sept 2011
    Dreaming Forum

    beautiful colours
    Hi, 2 nights ago I went to sleep as normal. I slept right through the night which is very unusual. When I woke up I didn,t want to and went back to sleep.When I finally woke I felt so happy, cosy,content, warm and also excited.It,s hard to put into words how I felt but I know I hadn,t wanted to wake up.I remembered a lot of the dream except how I got there.

    I was standing on a dark planet that had no life on it.The sky was different shades of grey to almost black but up in the sky were 2 planets close to each other. I felt that they orbited the planet I was on but they were awesome.Far too close for comfort but I did,nt feel threatened at all.
    The most spectacular sight was the most beautiful colours trying to peep through the dark clouds.
    (imagine holding a crystal up to the sunlight and the colours they would reflect).These were trying to break through the dark sky. The colours were breathtaking.Iknow I wasn,t alone because as the colours came through I was pointing up to the sky in amazement as if showing someone the beautiful sight.
    Could this have been more than just a dream

    Re: beautiful colours
    Hello, susan.

    Kurt calls the feeling you describe bliss. If bliss follows an experience it was a meaningful transformation for you. And the experience sounds like it was one of that kind, too.

    I often have the feeling of being accompanied during experiences, though I often also do not recall anyone or seeing someone. But I point things out to them, talk to them, or show them things.

    Oliver. ( korpo)
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  5. #555

    Re: Nursing babies

    Lovely short dream this morning after some deep thinking.


    I'm beside a cherry tree in blossom ( on tv last night) and pick some cherries to put into a bowl of water on the table on the patio.( I know there wouldn't realy be cherries at the same time as blossom but this is what I dreampt)
    Next I pick off a piece of bark off the trunk and put it in the bowl of water. As I look at it it seems to be the shape of a mussel and seems to be half bark and half shell, so shout out to my father who is around the corner with others.( not my real dad) I got the feeling of a mollusc at the same time. As they all come closer it turns over in the water and a small head appears from under the shell. Then two little feet. This was a baby turtle and it was alive and wakening up . In the dream I was astounded and found it so cute but at the same time sad that if we hadn't realised it was alive we would have put it in boiling water to cook.
    End of dream.

    Mmmmmm we have to boil mussels alive. How far do I go with this one.


    This was one of those nice dreams where I seem to be a child again.
    Yesterday I had been offered another care home to provide my services and needed the weekend to make a decision. When I went to bed I was undecided. It would bring in more money but I had to remind myself that I'm trying to cut down work. Too many care homes realy exhaust me.
    I would only be chasing money . But money is money.
    I woke from a dream suggesting the way I was thinking..... That it isn't my responsibility to provide the service and I cannt do everything just to please others. So before going back to sleep I came to the decision that even though the money would be useful to buy things I DIDNT NEED I must say NO so I can stick to my original aim of more time off, more energy and more focus on learning and I must get back to the focusing outside myself , projecting my energy exercises, and " Coming Out Of My Womb".
    Happy with this decision went back to sleep happy.
    Had this happy dream.

    But this has made something click inside and has given me new enthusiasm.

    From tree( plant consciousness)

    to a mussel (sea life creature, consciousness)

    to a turtle ( partial sea life/ land dwelling)

    Learning and respecting the capabilities of all. This reminds me somewhere in the journal where I was stroking a sea anenomie and interacting with it.

    Out from the woodwork.
    Page 28.

    Dream. / failed OBE / Dream.
    Very unusual dream which seemed to take on a different direction. Nothing relevant to previous posts.
    I had previously picked up that my mother was disappointed and could I meet up with her on Sunday?
    So , Sunday evening had had a very heavy full meal late in evening ( which I try to avoid) Early hours of Monday morning when awake I recalled a dream of a police woman telling me that my car had failed Its MOT.
    Whilst awake I feel so disappointed with myself to have had such a heavy meal, feeling I had failed myself in the possibility of experiencing something.
    Taking this as ' get back to sleep your not going to experience anything' , I just accepted and decided there's always another chance another day.
    Visit to bathroom, little water , settled to token gesture of energy raising then settled for sleep when jelly feeling , wobbling and I knew that this was a good sign. Focused on brow area , could feel movement but here was nothing fast about this. This was in one direction and steadily in one direction. As I focused I decided to just experiment with vision as I had nothing.decided to open astral/ etheric eyes and they opened. Thinking how good this was that I hadn't opened physical !!!! Stupid! End of , back to body .
    So once again in one evening I'm disappointed.
    Back to sleep wake up next morning. Recalled dream .
    This will seem stupid to readers but here goes.
    I'm in a large area where I'm waiting and flying around and practicing keeping up off the ground when someone of importance comes in . I just see a pair of trousers but see nothing from above. They give me a book. This is thick and heavy and as I open it the first page shows a 2x human bodies at the top, at the bottom was an animal of some sort and a baby and I got this is how we evolved to humans.
    Woke up again and thinking how vivid this was and in fact (a bit in your face .), visited the bathroom and slept .
    Woke up later in morning to dream recall .
    I saw a statue representing my mother ( I thought at the time)
    I' m sitting opposite someone who is advising me .
    The statue comes next to me . Next thing it is a giant plant , like an anemone from the sea.
    This was / is my mother.
    I touch this /her as I ask questions.
    Can you hear me? The flow from her is a yes.
    Can you see me ? The flow from her is yes ,
    Can you feel me ? The flow from her is yes .
    Can you talk to me ? The flow goes in the opposite direction.
    End of dream .
    When I woke up, this had such a impact and got me thinking deeper than I have .
    Thinking of the evolution of plants .
    Can plants communicate to other higher intelligence? Animals can to humans . Humans can to higher beings in spirit ??
    Oh just a dream but food for thought .
    I am no biologist and this is just a dream . For my own way of thinking for this journal anyone reading this just think of this as a dream that Susan had ,
    For me ?

    Add on .
    I felt the need to do a search on Sea Anemones and was showing my ignorance when describing this as a plant.

    ***Although often known as the Flower of the Sea it is in fact a Water Dwelling Meat Eating Animal.
    ***It has a primitive nervous system.
    ***Has an Intelligence Within. Some form relationships with green algae receiving oxygen and sugar as the bi- product of the algae's photosynthesis.
    Upon reflection I think the sea anemone was an excellent example for me to be shown.I would have expected within a dream to be shown an animal that I knew definetely as an animal.
    This animal , previously thought by me as a plant highlights the intelligence within anything living from aquatic animals to terrestrial animals to amphibians. Then of course there are the plants.
    Conclusion. This last dream was for my attention .
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  6. #556

    Re: Nursing babies

    I'm struggling just now with the limits I'm putting on myself.
    It showed in my dream last night.


    I'm walking with a small crowd in a school corridor but we are naked. The classroom doors are shut and we are looking for the toilets. We should be in class. When we find the toilets someone else is there naked and is being led back out to the corridor very gently by a lady.

    The toilets to me mean cleansing/ eliminating . The feeling that I should be learning all I can but that I feel a little lost.

    Am I putting too many unnecessary restrictions on myself? I did a lot of housework through the day. HB didn't do anything. Evening time and He has the wine, He has the steak. What am I getting out of this?
    I've lost weight...Great. The experiences I'm having are nothing different to when I was drinking and eating anything I wanted.Okay, the clairaudience has developed but would that have come about in time anyway? My dreams are comforting. I've definately noticed the difference in my dreams but would this have happened anyway?
    Today I've felt a little dizzy, light headed. Not good when driving.Also my forehead area feels a little heavy. I haven't gone hungry. Drinking lots of water. Its true what they say... It stops you feeling hungry. I'm eating enough for energy. I haven't felt weak. Just a little light headed sometimes.
    I've got a feeling I've been here before and had the same thoughts but I cannt be bothered to check back in journal.
    I'm not trying to be a saint. I only want to do what I believe at the time is where I'm being directed.
    What seems right. I'm just not sure I can give up such pleasures.
    I'll update if I give in. It'll be the fish.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  7. #557
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    I'm struggling just now with the limits I'm putting on myself.
    It showed in my dream last night.


    I'm walking with a small crowd in a school corridor but we are naked. The classroom doors are shut and we are looking for the toilets. We should be in class. When we find the toilets someone else is there naked and is being led back out to the corridor very gently by a lady.

    The toilets to me mean cleansing/ eliminating . The feeling that I should be learning all I can but that I feel a little lost.

    Am I putting too many unnecessary restrictions on myself? I did a lot of housework through the day. HB didn't do anything. Evening time and He has the wine, He has the steak. What am I getting out of this?
    I've lost weight...Great. The experiences I'm having are nothing different to when I was drinking and eating anything I wanted.Okay, the clairaudience has developed but would that have come about in time anyway? My dreams are comforting. I've definately noticed the difference in my dreams but would this have happened anyway?
    Today I've felt a little dizzy, light headed. Not good when driving.Also my forehead area feels a little heavy. I haven't gone hungry. Drinking lots of water. Its true what they say... It stops you feeling hungry. I'm eating enough for energy. I haven't felt weak. Just a little light headed sometimes.
    I've got a feeling I've been here before and had the same thoughts but I cannt be bothered to check back in journal.
    I'm not trying to be a saint. I only want to do what I believe at the time is where I'm being directed.
    What seems right. I'm just not sure I can give up such pleasures.
    I'll update if I give in. It'll be the fish.
    Hi Susan,

    The first thing what hits me when reading what you petty.....
    Nakedness in my dreams stands for openness and nothing to hide...honesty....
    It is good to time to time to ask em self...if what I am doing is good for me...and if not dare to make new things happen in own life....dare to be open for changes.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #558
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Hi Susan,

    The first thing what hits me when reading what you petty.....
    Nakedness in my dreams stands for openness and nothing to hide...honesty....
    It is good to time to time to ask em self...if what I am doing is good for me...and if not dare to make new things happen in own life....dare to be open for changes.

    Hi Susan,

    Did I hurt you with what I wrote??
    It was not my intention, what I tried to point out was, that what is on our minds we dream for me I most think about to try to understand all happening in my life, so what I dream about is sequences from my real life happenings, in dreams they are lifted up symbolically new way´s to see things so I can solve and release negativity so I can start to live more positively and draw that into my life.
    Love you!

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #559

    Re: Nursing babies

    No no IA you didn't cause any hurt at all. I was a bit pushed for time and needed time to think about this one.
    Absolutly right about Envy and Pity. I was envious of HB that night because I have withdrawn pleasures from my life and he still has them. I know for a fact that wine would send me dizzy now. When I cook meat for him from what used to smell gorgeous now smells like rotted meat for the bin. ( in fact I left a steak out for him last night for coming home from work and was concerned incase it was off and he ended with food poisoning but he seems fine .) Now there's the fish.

    Last year or the year before I had a lovely short dream almost like a child's cartoon where it was suggesting I should be shown what the fishermen are doing to the fish our friends out to sea. It also had me putting on realy heavy red lipstick.( ingredients to lipstick) .I realised immediatly what the meaning here was and laughed it off as NO WAY! Not ready to give up fish.

    The time I wrote on my I pad with my eyes closed.....veg vegan change go now ....( or something like that) Absolutly no way am I going vegan. How many times have I written NO WAY! And then months later it starts up again till I say OKAY!

    I know without doubt the way I am being gently directed but I am battling with myself. There are those that argue the moral side to this , the killing , then there is the fact that mystical experiences are experienced also by those who drink ,take drugs and are not vegetarian.

    So this is my battle with myself. I know I must go with my guidance and gut feeling but the transition isn't easy. I feel a little embarrassed when saying I've given up fish now. What a hypocrite having eaten this all my life.
    Maybe this was the chariots and horses symbolism...strength, power, battle, don't know.
    Do you have any thoughts on horses and chariots in an arena IA?
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  10. #560
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    No no IA you didn't cause any hurt at all. I was a bit pushed for time and needed time to think about this one.
    Absolutly right about Envy and Pity. I was envious of HB that night because I have withdrawn pleasures from my life and he still has them. I know for a fact that wine would send me dizzy now. When I cook meat for him from what used to smell gorgeous now smells like rotted meat for the bin. ( in fact I left a steak out for him last night for coming home from work and was concerned incase it was off and he ended with food poisoning but he seems fine .) Now there's the fish.

    Last year or the year before I had a lovely short dream almost like a child's cartoon where it was suggesting I should be shown what the fishermen are doing to the fish our friends out to sea. It also had me putting on realy heavy red lipstick.( ingredients to lipstick) .I realised immediatly what the meaning here was and laughed it off as NO WAY! Not ready to give up fish.

    The time I wrote on my I pad with my eyes closed.....veg vegan change go now ....( or something like that) Absolutly no way am I going vegan. How many times have I written NO WAY! And then months later it starts up again till I say OKAY!

    I know without doubt the way I am being gently directed but I am battling with myself. There are those that argue the moral side to this , the killing , then there is the fact that mystical experiences are experienced also by those who drink ,take drugs and are not vegetarian.

    So this is my battle with myself. I know I must go with my guidance and gut feeling but the transition isn't easy. I feel a little embarrassed when saying I've given up fish now. What a hypocrite having eaten this all my life.
    Maybe this was the chariots and horses symbolism...strength, power, battle, don't know.
    Do you have any thoughts on horses and chariots in an arena IA?
    Hi Susan,
    Thank´s for telling me and to your question about horses and chariots does give me a feeling off....

    I can tell you something about my life...I have gone through just as taken away by giving me a feeling of disgust against things...and I did also stop eating one thing after another and I ended up to have a life threatening deficiency disease....the lesson for me learn to know my body...what it needs to thrive and be the host me so I can do what I came here to do....learn and develop.

    So I can not be vegan because my body needs real fish and chicken body can not process and survive otherwise.

    I was also shown that it is real energy and it is why these animals do not have the consciousness yet developed as in us....I was shown also that I have bean eaten several times before I was developed enough my consciousness to inhabit a human body.

    So how true this is for you I do not know...but it is very true to me.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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