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Thread: Nursing babies

  1. #581

    Re: Nursing babies

    Today an elderly lady told me a lovely story of the only time in her life she has heard an internal voice speak to her.
    She used to attend her Catholic Church with her husband who was failing in his battle with cancer.
    Those who were ill would be called up to the front for some healing and their partners would go up with them also.
    On this one occasion the priest didnt call up the partners so she was left sitting on her own and she was wondering why the partners weren't asked to go up with them when she heard a soft voice inside her head say to her,


    If only everyone who looses a loved one could hear that internal voice. Far more comforting and memorable than spoken words.

    Lucid dream must remember to record where I was flying over red soil With a single train track. I think symbology here.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  2. #582

    Re: Nursing babies

    Had been in and out of sleep due to overheating . Light dream where I was aware I was out.
    Lucid dream.
    Had a body this time.
    I'm slowly coming down to land. It was so gentle. I'd landed in what seemed to be a red soiled big field.
    I was standing on a single tracked train line. At this stage I wasnt sure if I was realy out so tried to fly but didnt get much off the ground. The vividness of the red soil had me wondering where I was. Was this Real Time Zone , somewhere on earth or had I projected into a dreamscape. I was thinking this through when suddenly in the distance two characters appeared. They were looking over at me and flew in the air coming closer but kept their distance. I remember thinking "oh good, I must be in astral".
    I only remember the features of one .
    Immediately I blurted out, ' finally someone to talk to , are you my guides?'
    This next bit is the strange bit because he faces me and asks me if my name is Susan..( he uses my Maiden name) He asks me to come with them ....

    The dream continued but doesnt need to be recorded .
    1) It was the bright red soil and train track I want to note.
    2) why was my Maiden name used?

    BUT the best for me was when awake I thought of the character who spoke to me and remembered who it was.
    MR T from the A TEAM program from years ago.
    MR. T was a big strong guy who loved his jewellry and always had his neck full of gold necklaces, like a thick scarf.

    I love it because I have spent the Xmas period being a bit naughty and ordering jewellry on line. Got a necklace , then Ankha pendant, more jewellry just hoping hubby isn't in when they arrive.
    I was feeling good but guilty.
    If this lucid dream was all my own creation I love my sense of humour.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  3. #583

    Re: Nursing babies

    Maybe just a made up dream and I only want to record experiences that to me are meaningful otherwise I wouldnt be able to separate the irrelevant from the relevant but there are points about this one Ive decided to note.
    First, most of it is forgotten but I remember we were with friends who had come to visit us. I just remember the ending. Me and my friend were on a long narrow open train like a fairground coaster ride . Our friends who we had been with were leaving now and they passed to the left of me dissapearing as they got just a few feet in front of me. Then up ahead in the sky just in the direction they had dissapeared the most beautiful energy colours but very faint all clumped together. The colours were all merging together standing out in the black starry sky.I pointed the colours out to my friend.
    Then I point to behind us and say, " look their friends are leaving as well. Its a shame you were scared."In the sky I saw their friends best described as large flat round floaty pink shapes just like jelly fish. The scene was awesome because of the sparkling stars. They ll flew off.
    I say its a shame we have to go now and suddenly the train plummets down as if it realy was a roller coaster and slowly comes to a halt just on the shore line with the sea infront of us.

    Woke up still feeling the churning of the stomach.
    This may have just been due to the previous dream but the colours were beautiful so ive noted it.

    Also on wakening up I thought of a shoe and thought ' good clean living".
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  4. #584

    Re: Nursing babies

    Working out the meaning of something I had picked up resulted in a brightness behind the closed eyelids.
    This happened twice this morning.just like opening shutters in a dark room.
    Somewhere in journal I'd written of experiencing this during an informative dream experience and reading later how Kurt Leland saw this happen to a lady he was witnessing in the dream zone trying to work a puzzle out and when she was correct the room would get lighter. This was confirmation that this was right.

    This happened after I woke up to 'think of a poppy'.

    ( through the day a lady had told me that she adores poppies.I thought no more of the comment)

    Thought I should have to look this up in morning but decided I must think of what it means to me now, not what a book says. I thought of Rememberence day and poppies so decided that poppies remind me of people who have died during wars.
    As I thought this the brightness behind eyelids happened. Lay semi awake when I picked up

    " her husband was found dead in a field".

    Immediately I thought of the time I felt I was being shown past lives when I saw a picture of what seemed to be going back centuries ago with strange carriages and men with strange pointed metal hats on. This was a battle and there were dead bodies on the ground in a battle field but I felt immense sadness for a young man lying on the ground amongst other bodies but my feelings were for the people who would feel the sadness of his death.
    I was awake now and thought this through wondering if this was all connected when the lightness started up again.
    So Ive had this in the dream state before but this is first for awake but dozy.

    Back to sleep and just after a dream that I've got a chemistry exam tomorrow and haven't prepared for it ( could just be to do with all Im wanting to learn) my dream finishes with watching about 15-20 men walking towards me. They all had black suites on.But it was the black that was noticeable and got me staring. The black was blacker than black. They wore the blackest colour you could imagine a black to be. They are now standing to the side of me.
    I woke up and thought this last bit through and suddenly came to the idea of MEN IN BLACK from the film.
    I only ever saw the first film so this morning I googled to remind myself what exactly it was about.

    Best kept secret in the universe. Working for unofficial government agency they are providers of immigration services and regulators of all things Alien to earth.
    Policing aliens protecting the earth from intergalactic threats.

    I wonder if they could represent what Robert calls Gatekeepers.Other authors write of similar energies representing almost a look out to prevent dreamers entering areas that we shouldn't enter. As kurt says he was told they cannt let dreamers into designated areas where they could cause havoc because of their behaviour due to their dreaming mind.
    Also , just the desire to visit somewhere is not enough for entry. I think Ive had this before but in the form of black robot type characters.
    I just love the humour, whether it was my subconscious creating these or other I just love the humour.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  5. #585

    Re: Nursing babies awake,wondered if I should try anything but decided I was too cosy and should just go back to sleep. Tried to recall dream but nothing was coming. Had left it too long then suddenly I thought very quickly.


    Crept out of bed to write down so wouldnt forget. Back to a light sleep where analysing the dream seems to be about NEWS at a fast pace. ( I haven't been doing any for a few days).So easy to get caught up in physical life and then only spare time is spent reading and learning. I think I am spending too much time reading and not enough doing the practical. Experiencing for myself is worth 100 books to read. So must get back to more practical application.

    Back to the words above.
    Is this playmate the same as 'YOUR PETER PAN THAT I AM'?
    Is this part of me or not?
    The suggestion is that it IS.("YOUR, I,")It has a mind of its own and makes me laugh.
    I prefer to leave this question open . Its more fun rather than taking the answer from a book.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  6. #586

    Re: Nursing babies

    I have to log this because it came so quickly and I think sums up everything.
    Im standing over the sink in kitchen listening to lovely music thinking of washing, dusting, floors to clean etc and decided to first do a little aura practice with orchids on windowsill.This got me looking at the veins running through the petals right to the edges. Just like our capillaries and veins throughout our body helping to keep the cells alive.
    But this wasnt getting any further on with the housework, so must get on with cleaning when I thought to myself,
    " why am I doing this? What am I aiming for? What do I hope to achieve, other than seeing colours?
    Immediately an answer came
    " to create a beautiful mind", and imagined a butterfly with its colourful wings spread out.

    This makes total sense to everything
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  7. #587
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    I have to log this because it came so quickly and I think sums up everything.
    Im standing over the sink in kitchen listening to lovely music thinking of washing, dusting, floors to clean etc and decided to first do a little aura practice with orchids on windowsill.This got me looking at the veins running through the petals right to the edges. Just like our capillaries and veins throughout our body helping to keep the cells alive.
    But this wasnt getting any further on with the housework, so must get on with cleaning when I thought to myself,
    " why am I doing this? What am I aiming for? What do I hope to achieve, other than seeing colours?
    Immediately an answer came
    " to create a beautiful mind", and imagined a butterfly with its colourful wings spread out.

    This makes total sense to everything
    Thank you Susan
    I did get tears in my eyes when reading your post...Life is presious and all levels...we need to connect with it´s beauty...LOVE.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #588

    Re: Nursing babies

    Awake recalling dream to do with physical life when a very formal sounding voice announces.

    " Your inspirational request has been heard by higher people".

    This interrupted my flow of thoughts about the dream.
    This isn't the first time I've had very formal sounding announcements interrupting my thoughts.
    So what were my Inspirationl thoughts?
    The only thing I can think of was the previous day I had been taking crash courses on astronomy i think for kids)

    OMG OMG !!!! Its happened again. My ipad . As Im writing this my I pad had started playing a song again.
    Children singing. " I like a Sleigh Ride...Merry Xmas ....

    I have to think on this. Is the word 'KIDS' causing my I pad to pick up a song involving kids singing ???
    Haven't got time now to finish .
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  9. #589

    Re: Nursing babies

    Im back to first add a thought about these goings on with the i pad from time to time.
    These incidents may just be a bioenergetic cause which is well documented by others.
    Electronic devices are known to play up sometimes in physical but those working in this field of energy development may experience these events more frequently.

    Am I reading too much in this when I point out that just the previous day I had been watching an advert a few times that day about the Northern Lights and during the advert they are riding on the snow on one of their sleighs and I was wishing I could go there and experience riding in the crisp white snow with all the beautiful colours in the sky?

    How many times will I have to use the word 'Coincidence 'because it sounds more grounding?
    This isn't Coincidence , it's more than that.Important decisions have been prompted by the I pad.

    Page 31
    16th AUGUST 2014.
    I wrote a truth but thought I was writing something else.

    Page 32
    21st August 2014.
    Writing with eyes closed... encouraged to go vegan.

    28th August 2014.
    Writing with eyes closed... question was answered.

    Page 33
    28thAugust 2014.
    When writing word Cann't unexplainable used capital letters for the word.( emphasising the point)

    5th October 2014.
    Same happens again.

    Page 43)
    6th June 2015.
    Eyes closed question answered...guided towards the bible.

    Page 46)
    27th October 2015.
    Answer given to question " Kindness" and also synchronicity starts up here.

    11th November 2015.
    Advice written

    Page 4
    2nd January 2016
    Question answered...kristnamurti

    Page 55)
    19th August 2016
    Synchronicity Michael Jackson dream and radio.

    Page 5
    19th November 2016
    Music on I pad starts up.synchronicity concerning dream.

    24th December 2016
    Unexplainable message flashes up on ipad followed by synchronicity of woman on telly seconds later saying same words..'Twas the night before xmas'.

    Finally the previous post above about the Song starting up about Sleigh Ride and watching tv wishing I could go there.

    Ive had to do this for my own benefit so now I know this is REAL.
    Still haven't had time to finish previous post about my Inspirational request having been heard by higher people.

    Back to edit.. I notice I have MR Smiley face again twice but shows normal at time of writing so will put page number here.

    2nd January 48
    19th November 58

    ( I think the smiley face is a technical problem as I notice it concerns the figure 8 both times
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  10. #590

    Smile Re: Nursing babies

    Yesterday morning an image upon wakening but there was no dream connected to this. It lasted about 5-6-7 seconds.
    I'm viewing a large pregnant stomach, in front and above me. There is a large hole in the stomach with an umbilical cord hanging down. Next a baby comes out attached to it and turns round to face the stomach and its cord seems to still be hanging from the stomach.
    Baby pulls at the cord helping another baby out of the stomach. The two babies are now out and float around.

    This was one of those very strong images that stays with you.
    Here I have a baby helping the birth of another baby that shares the same lineage, and also the same umbilical cord.

    Did this scene come from my

    'Your Peter Pan That I am'?

    'Your Hypnopompic Playmate who Reigns from above".

    Need to catch up on logging what my 'Inspirational request' was that was heard.
    I had sent out strong thoughts, requests, that I needed to have a better understanding of ....

    The time I was taken to meet these people I picked up as alien.
    I dont go with the theory that my senses misinterpreted their appearance.
    The fact that I saw them all the same and they were different to any other entity my senses have produced
    I was taken to a room to wait and remember no more of what was said.

    Also a while back when I asked to meet whoever was helping me I was taken to a cafeteria where many of the inhabitants were alien looking.During that one I was taken to a large window where we went through into another dimension.
    I was reading Kurt Leland's book then and I went along with his interpretation of seeing aliens and he claimed that they were just like robots sent to observe and report back

    Since learning more on astrology and the vastness of this universe and more, only a closed mind person would not entertain the idea of any life form with intelligence that does not originate from this tiny speck of a planet may infact be known by us out of the physical Dimension.

    So this was my very passionate request sent out.
    On a need to know basis 1-10. I NEED TO KNOW 10.
    ( Im on a mission)
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

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