Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1741
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    Nothing of this is finite, like exploration is done. I don't claim to be knowledgable on the universe, it's exactly the opposite. There are no words that can express everything, I'm not talking just about human's multidimensionality, but so many things that there are no proper terms for.

    The main problem is actually even not about terms, but about restriciting (manipulating) human minds - so that they were unable to understand it.

    Do you realize that your mind is manipulated right now? So that yo didn't understand what I mean?
    Hi Antares.
    If I ask you this way...Have you noticed if the manipulation is less when you are going in some direction?..(when you are in alighment with your life purpose for example)
    And when you go in another direction...does the manipulation increse?? (maybe you are not in alingment with your life purpouse and the evolution plan are trying to tell you that you are on wrong path)
    Just giving you some thoughts...I have noticed this very clearly in my life.
    If this rings totally wrong for you...then I really do not understand you at all ...sorry in that case.
    Last edited by IA56; 10th August 2023 at 02:03 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #1742

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Hi Antares.
    If I ask you this way...Have you noticed if the manipulation is less when you are going in some direction?..(when you are in alighment with your life purpose for example)
    And when you go in another direction...does the manipulation increse?? (maybe you are not in alingment with your life purpouse and the evolution plan are trying to tell you that you are on wrong path)
    Just giving you some thoughts...I have noticed this very clearly in my life.
    If this rings totally wrong for you...then I really do not understand you at all ...sorry in that case.
    "Seeing very clearly" is something that was tested on me. It's part of manipulation. This is because "they" manage our consciousness (mental). People don't realize that, this world is not based on physical, but on psychic. The psyche is manipulated - "they" called physical world therefore maya. What "they" want to achieve is to manipulate our minds. "They" probably created - although I'm not sure of this, maybe just invaded - this physical realm and use it for their own purposes, they reset human memory so that we had no idea what is going on here, manipulate our "seeing" (perception) - just what you wrote above - which includes mental perception, i.e. thinking. I experienced exactly that, how our consciousness is manipulated. "They" need physical realm to be efficient, we pretend that we live here on Earth, but this is not living, this is a prison, like a virtual reality. They also create physical and psychic diseases. I also often hear that "a talk is now recorded" in context of manipulating minds of people I will be talking to in near future. This means that our talks are programmed. That's how this matrix works. For example some person is given some job not because of a coincidence but the talk between employer and employee is "recorded" i.e. programmed days before real talk. The same case is with a person that is out of job at the moment - of course "they" try to make such person who lost his or her job sad, angry, anxious about the future etc. "They" call it "development" when such personal dramma happens. This applies to everything negative, like for example when your relative is very ill or dies, and you feel sad. "They" created this system of personal drama for something that "they" try now to convince us that it is a soul development. Remember that all books on the Earth are channelings - hard to believe, but I know now this to be true.

    Terminlogy is a question of discussion, but "soul" is impriopriate word, as I think now, for describing what is really the subject of manipulation. I would call it instead psyche. Psyche is a mental thing - it doesn't need body, even astral body. Clearly "they" cannot reach our psyches directly (except manipulating, in particular narrowing in the physical and astral realm, mental consciousness). That's why "they" need physical realm, to create an illusion for us so that we believed it is real. In a way it is real, but not in the sense we think. Life on the Earth is managed. Managed very strictly, not at all coincidental in any sense.

    Most of people after the death "get stuck" in the astral - this is again not a coincidence as OBE researchers state. This system has been designed to create this illusion of being stuck in the astral. Later such "souls", i.e. psyches with astral bodies, are under the propaganda that they "need" just another incarnation, and they are manipulated why they are "bad" or "not enough good" and they "need" just to return to the physical realm, and then such "souls" have resetted memory. Resetting memory makes it way much easier to manipulate people.

    The more I'm trying to research this topic, the more I experience manipulation from "them". "They" try to proove that they are super-powerful, and can manipulate in this reality virtually anything. For example, imagine that some person hates you, "they" can manipulate this person now to like you. Or vice versa. It's very easy to manipulate minds of unaware humans in every possible way, as I could see.

    Humans live here unaware and have resetted memory for a reason, not coincidentally.

    I think I reached the point which humans are not allowed to research... That's what is going on recently.

    However, beyond the physical realm, when a person "physically dies", then he or she is further manipulated, and we are lied that we "need it" for so called development and we "need" another incarnation. I was analyzing how such talks with a "soul" that "needs" "just another" "incarnation" were like. It's now clear to me that we are victims of manipulation here.

    Edit: one more thing. These entities are responsible for our moods, and program us to think in a certain way. More primitive incidents of such telepathic control are used by shamans - particularly animals are used by shamans. They mentally "get into" an animal, see through their eyes, hear through their ears, control their body etc. The same way we are controlled - by the entities manipulating the matrix. Of course we are unaware of this kind of posession, unless "they" reveal themselves to us. I've read some cases of possessed people in the past - this is one of example how "they" reveal themselves. The excorcism and magic mambo-jambo is just a show which "they" are laughing about. It works as much as if a soldier tried to dance in front of enemy army believing that the enemy go away. Of course, the opponent would only laugh, that's how the excorcisms are seen by "the other side". This is how they make fun of making fools out of people.

    I was reading about the negs and such things. Some things weren't clear to me about them. In fact, it made no sense to me. Such cases, with negs attacking, are so rare, that they made me suspicious about the big picture assumed by most of people. There are so little people who have any knowledge plusa belief in negs, demons and stuff like that, and they are so little experienced, and their knowledge has so weak basis, that I understood that theory of negs makes little sense. I decided then to reject these theories and start over with researching everything by myself. IMO there are no demons or negs as such. This primitive belief comes from the times when people lived in tribes on the Earth, and needed any explanation. The theory about our reality that most of people have must is however false, and the whole occult knowledge, like coming from people such as Eliphas Levi, which is the basis for XXth and today's magic, is totally primitive and basically unsubstantial. I am therefore in the process of recreating and reconstructing the real image of our reality based on the new facts.

    And what I can see everywhere, are assumptions about "here", "them", "us" etc. People think they know, but they know nothing about this reality, including what happens when they sleep for most of the time, except that they loose their consciousness, and are ignoring this fact!
    Last edited by Antares; 10th August 2023 at 05:34 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  3. #1743
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    "Seeing very clearly" is something that was tested on me. It's part of manipulation. This is because "they" manage our consciousness (mental). People don't realize that, this world is not based on physical, but on psychic. The psyche is manipulated - "they" called physical world therefore maya. What "they" want to achieve is to manipulate our minds. "They" probably created - although I'm not sure of this, maybe just invaded - this physical realm and use it for their own purposes, they reset human memory so that we had no idea what is going on here, manipulate our "seeing" (perception) - just what you wrote above - which includes mental perception, i.e. thinking. I experienced exactly that, how our consciousness is manipulated. "They" need physical realm to be efficient, we pretend that we live here on Earth, but this is not living, this is a prison, like a virtual reality. They also create physical and psychic diseases. I also often hear that "a talk is now recorded" in context of manipulating minds of people I will be talking to in near future. This means that our talks are programmed. That's how this matrix works. For example some person is given some job not because of a coincidence but the talk between employer and employee is "recorded" i.e. programmed days before real talk. The same case is with a person that is out of job at the moment - of course "they" try to make such person who lost his or her job sad, angry, anxious about the future etc. "They" call it "development" when such personal dramma happens. This applies to everything negative, like for example when your relative is very ill or dies, and you feel sad. "They" created this system of personal drama for something that "they" try now to convince us that it is a soul development. Remember that all books on the Earth are channelings - hard to believe, but I know now this to be true.

    Terminlogy is a question of discussion, but "soul" is impriopriate word, as I think now, for describing what is really the subject of manipulation. I would call it instead psyche. Psyche is mental thing - it doesn't need body, even astral body, but clearly "they" cannot reach our psyches. That's why "they" need physical realm, to create an illusion for us so that we believed it is real. In a way it is real, but not in the sense we think. Life on the Earth is managed. Managed very strictly, not at all coincidental in any sense.

    The more I'm trying to research this topic, the more I experience manipulation from "them". "They" try to proove that they are super-powerful, and can manipulate in this reality virtually anything. For example, imagine that some person hates you, "they" can manipulate this person now to like you. Or vice versa. It's very easy to manipulate minds of unaware humans in every possible way, as I could see.

    Humans live here unaware and have resetted memory for a reason, not coincidentally.

    I think I reached the point which humans are not allowed to research... That's what is going on recently.

    However, beyond the physical realm, when a person "physically dies", then he or she is further manipulated, and we are lied that we "need it" for so called development and we "need" another incarnation. I was analyzing how this talks with a "soul" that "needs" "just another" "incarnation" were like. It's now clear to me that we are victims of manipulation here.

    Please check your inbox for the message.
    Hi Antares.
    I have also encountered these harrassers...not letting one sleep...mocking...etc...To listen to these entities all will go to drain with the have to protect against making a strong grounding....Do you have some Divinity you have faith in??..I am a strong Jesus beliver and believe in Archangele Michael...they provide with powerful protection...So start to find your way to start to cleanse your traumas etc...we do not have access to the higher plans if we have our astral closet stuffed with unprocessed emotions...Read Kurt Lelands Multidimensional Human...Robert Bruces The practical psychic self-defens handbook...Dion Fortune..For short term relief..These entities can only operate on up to lower mental plans ...I am not sure...but what I know is that they have no access to the more higher divine plans...these higher plans do not let any polution to enter so to you have to fight this entity away...ask your guides to help you...Have faith in your own power and strength..
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #1744

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    The essential thing is not reading books and believing in anything like angels etc., but to understand how this reality on the Earth is managed by these entities. Let's face the facts, and not assume anything.

    "They" control every inch of this reality. This makes irreleveant everything that we know about this universe...

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  5. #1745
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    The essential thing is not reading books and believing in anything like angels etc., but to understand how this reality on the Earth is managed by these entities. Let's face the facts, and not assume anything.

    "They" control every inch of this reality. This makes irreleveant everything that we know about this universe...
    Hi Antares.
    Okay then...we see differently on this...

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #1746
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I just remember one thing from my dreams from this night...I circled my bear foot on the was light tanned ground with grass...when I circled my foot to the ground I made a sound...and this sound awake me from the dream...the surroundig was open and bright but only nature houses ....
    Last edited by IA56; 11th August 2023 at 04:50 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #1747

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Okay then...we see differently on this...
    What I can see about these entities is that "they" manage our lives. We are told that their manipulations are our "life paths", which of course is a "marketing" label for deciding for us how our lives should be like. This is not true that we decide about our lives before we are born, as books such as LBL by Micheal Newton and other "researchers" trying to convince. The decisions are taken for us (which makes sense, because this system has to work somehow - I mean, important events in life, people, companies and so on).

    People under hypnosis often say things which are inaccessible to their normal, conscious minds. We are told that this is something like superconsciousness. It's not - this is a channeling, i.e. another entity takes in posession the "sleeping", barely aware person in an ASC state, and uses his or her voice to make an impression that this is the same person when talking under hypnosis - but of course it's not, however the person under hypnosis still could believe that this is himself or herself talking to us.

    We on the Earth are subjects of very advanced manipulation of psyche. That's why it's hard to talk about the MATRIX.

    For example, this entity showed me how "they" manage finances or employees of any company, like the company in which I work. To make job positions for people needing money (i.e. work), "they" create artificial problems in the company, make this company earning bigger income, and soon afterwards manipulate minds of bosses or people in charge of the company that they "need" an employee to resolve their problems, and "coincidentally" the "potential" employee is manipulated to see the ad for this job position, goes to interview, and both sides are manipulated during the interview to get this person for this job position. Other potential employees who didn't get that position have a different sort of manipulation - they are manipulated to think "I am not that good for that position" - this is the propaganda to make them thinking that they for instance shouldn't look for this profession or that they need another job with different criteria. That's how, as I could see, "life paths" work on this planet. Another example: you resigned from your current job, and decided to not take another job but spend your savings. But in your life path there is a different event recorded: that you "should" work for another company now. So "they" make you loosing your savings and force you to go that company which badly "needs" an employee - of course, you, because it's on your life path. See the irony? My conclusion is that savings and planning on the Earth makes seemingly little sense, because you are stolen or given money anyway, when you are allowed or not allowed to have or have not. This is why I called this system the "matrix box". Matrix on the Earth is actually an economy game - managing resources. People minds are the central resources that are managed. Of course "for our good".

    People tend to ignore the fact that this system has been designed and we are not alone. (This is deliberate - it is a matrix). We are surrounded by alien scientists who make experiments on people like we were animals. We are manipulated to believe that we are alone in the universe. Otherwise the experiment ("matrix box") could not work.

    Of course, it is not just about jobs. It is about everything else in our "life paths" - relationships, dreams, career, even personal goals, or crimes. And of course problems in your life path. This system wasn't designed as paradise, but as a sort of training animals box. That's why there are so many conflicted sides on the Earth, locally and globally.

    Theoretically, it makes sense. Practically, I can see that this system is faulty. Sometimes "they" reveal themselves and show people how they operate in this system from the hide, like in my case. "They" clearly have a malicious sense of humor, stating that people are animals, controlled by physiology. I could see exactly how this system of emotions-physiology works, how people are manipulated by triggering energy fields in their bodies to cause emotions in a certain way. For example, "they" trigger negative emotions in case of meeting a person if in your "life path" that you are not allowed to get into a relationship with that person. You aren't allowed, but you don't know that - and you aren't because it was not decided for your life path... So you can see how little free will is left for humans on the Earth plane.

    I learnt also about how the "synchronicity" works - or rather, how we are lied that there is something like synchronicity. "They" create events on the Earth simultanously, and manipulate people to think that it is sort of "magic" - but with a modern word "synchronicty".
    Last edited by Antares; 11th August 2023 at 05:53 AM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  8. #1748
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hi Antares.

    I need to know how your social life is...are you very much go to work and go back home...??

    If you are much alone...then the negative energies have let you know some of the "truth" but twisted it for their keep you in place and get further into the despair...
    and really think that there is no way out...

    I want you look at that they have at least 3 times led you astray and you lost very much both money and strength and sleep. So stop believing in what they have fed you with...start fresch...take care of your healthy...exercise both physical and mental...start build up your inner life...have good laughs...good talk with your peers etc..

    Stop obsessing what you have "discovered" it is sure manipulated.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #1749

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    I need to know how your social life is...are you very much go to work and go back home...??
    Please read my previous message. I tried to convince people that they are manipulated in more or less subtle way, but I understood that the unconscious manipulation of people I'm talking to takes place before I talk to them: for example I am thinking that I'm going to talk to a person that I know about the matrix, and "they", the entities which I talk about, know it immediateley! So when I finally talk to that person, he or she is programmed in a certain way which makes him or her thinking that there is no such thing as matrix, or to have another view (which are prepared before). The Bible's confusion of tongues is the example of how "they" operate on the Earth, disallow people to do anything against the will of so-called gods. "They" can change flow of thoughts in any person in a fraction of second! Would you believe it? The matrix is created in the way that the mental side is the essential point, the rest - the physically seen result - is illusion. The illusion is also the fact that these are we who make decisions. Again, we are constantly manipulated. The fact that you don't believe and ignore what I wrote is an example of how manipulation works. Try to silent your mind and watch where are your thoughts coming from. I'm sure you will be having difficulty in doing that. I don't work much. After the investments I mentioned, I can see that somehow this entity managed people in my work in a way that makes this job too comfortable, and block me with other options. I had other plans, but all at the moment became irrelevant for the moment, of course not coincidentally, but "because". The company needs a person like me, so I am forced to work there. That's how "free will" and "life paths" work. If you have bankruptcy recorded for your current incarnation, you will bankruty anyway, you will be forced to bankrut. You might be given false reasons why this or that person caused you to bankrut, but - again - this is just manipulation of the mind - of the reasoining that you "should" look for a reason. The truth is that our life paths are designed prior to the events we are suspects of in our own lives. See? So you can see the malicious sens of humor of the entities managing life on the Earth. Do you unerstand now the example I have given below, how this matrix system of economy works and is managed?

    One more thing. I think that in near future (I guess few decades or so) these entities managing the Earth from the hide will be revealing to humans themselves more and more... It's just a beginning. If you think of events in the past 100 years on Earth, it becomes clear that such things as synchronicity (which I mentioned in my previous message) are just a preparation to a sort of revelation.
    Last edited by Antares; 11th August 2023 at 06:21 AM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  10. #1750
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hi Antares.

    I will tell you my story...I met a man in 2001...who was powerful and whilst I was in contact with him...I was invaded by same sort of energies/entities as you describe ...interupting and making me lack of sleep and having episods of psyhosis....I had my own company so I could decide when to take time of...and when to this went on for several years as you decribe about your life....I was taken advantage of and I was loosing much money...until one day I decided ...this is enough...I left the man`s guidance...and went bankcrupty...I was totally ruined...

    I started to build up my life again...I gave me time to heal...and I started to have inner knowing why this was my own doings...I had to start to look how my emotions is and why the energies so successully blinding and keeping me from to see what was going on.../ at that thime I was not able to process my traumas and not to understand my feelings...about jelousy...grudges)..I have just now resently started to get words to what is what....difference between negs and elementals... everybody has elementals as a part of the level you develp to and to the bodies is part of our consiusness...I am just getting words to link to my experiences.

    When I got some distance to this happening with the "negs, elementals"..I started to feel why they have lost their grip of me....was that I was able to rise abowe them...I am on a higher level and here is another support what is positive...I had a vision about vertical ...and horisontal....I have bean pondering on this and now it feels clear...I have to start to develop the knowledge about the plans are they built both vertically and horisontally...

    I did by my own will go to bancrupty...I am not that kind of person who cares about ranks and weath as many on this planet does...they can not let go of the hamsters wheel...they have to just work more to get more money to get more bigger cars etc...
    I did see the "black hole" what will never be filled I let go..and all those who had claimed to be my friends ..disapeared because I did not have money nor anything they could gain on me (their negs..what is their unfulfilled needs and wants)...but what I riped in knowledge and clarity was was very painful and shameful to see me and understand what and why things happen in my life..I was driven as the most of people on this gain famous and fortune...It is nothing wrong to be rich and do not missunderstand wasmy astral closet what was filled with all kind of non processed emotions...

    Everything happens for a reason...the evelution is build in such way...and every plan is build in different "needs" to be met before you can enter a new plan...deep self knowledge...and the higher plans do not let you enter before you have done your home do not let the energies on that plan you are on to lure you away from the Source and the light...Read the Multidimentiona Human...

    I can see that my words is wonky but I am sure I get better in explaining what I have understood and gain in knowing.

    Last edited by IA56; 11th August 2023 at 07:54 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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