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Thread: What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?

  1. #1
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    What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?


    I thought it would be interesting to see peoples different experiences with Negs.
    I'm curious with anyone keen to answer, what was your first Negative entity you faced in an
    Astral / OBE experience and what was the hardest you ever fought in direct combat
    with their appearance also for both and how it was over come.

    My first was after a few OBE's it claimed to be a demon in order to scare me however it didn't seem to answer and I had to push it to talk. It didn't attack me however it simply brushed past me a few times,
    though it was too dark in my room to see the creature but I felt hot long fur brush past my face and later woke up with a hot face also.

    I haven't had too many confrontation, however to date my hardest would have to be 3 humanoid shaped figures in black long ropes similar to a old mage who unlike some other less intelligent Negs these made
    sure to stay only in the shadows so I couldn't see their full appearance.

    They also only used a ranged attack which were red orbs of glowing energy I surround myself with a force shield however their bombardments still had enough punch to knock me around a little but not too much.



  2. #2
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    Re: What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?

    My first experience with a negative entity (or what seemed to be a negative entity, I have changed my mind about that) was the reason I learned to project on purpose- I was getting pulled out of my body many times. When I researched the event in the internet, (at first I thought I was abducted by aliens, but soon realized this was not in-body) I discovered PSD and began using countermeasures. Once I started the action got more intense and uglier, I was attacked, bitten, thrown against the wall and other things (like what you see in a cheesy horror movie but then you end up ok physically and baffled mentally)- then I added energy work and more countermeasures. Pretty soon I was only attacked in dreams (or, the experience turned into nightmares) and after some time the 'demon' showed it's 'angelic' side and we had a long talk. At this moment I realized this was some sort of initiation. Of course at the time I had no 'esoteric' knowledge, so I came to realize all this years after the experiences stopped/changed and I learned to project consciously and other things.

    Now, the one that I consider my first experience with what I think is a real-life negative entity happened in between the RTZ and the astral- I had projected into the RTZ and was shifting towards the astral, and in the moment before the shift, I was grabbed by the wrists by something, and I fought to get free, and went into the astral, had my visit there, and when I came back to body my hands were smarting as if they had been burnt. I immediately poured holy water on them, and then put salt in them.
    Some months later I developed some small plaques on the wrists, which turned out to be a form of skin cancer I hadn't had before (I had had BCC, but the one on the right wrist was SCC, and the one on the left was precancerous). I had them removed and hadn't had any 'real' problems with negs again, except the occasional visitor that wants to give me nightmares and just plain ol' projectors and wildlife- which are mostly harmless if you're not scared of them.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    Re: What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?

    Hallo Zethor
    Hostile and even violent encounters during OBEs Do happen from time to time. For most people anyway. I have had roughly a dozen or so such experiences when OOB. Whether the discarnate beings I encountered were actually Negative Entities in the strict definition is questionable.
    Anyway 2 of these experiences can be found in my AD journal here. The journal is in this forum
    (at )
    Go to 1) OBE titled "Sorceress", date of February 24, 2010 on Page 1 and
    2) OBE titled "Flight to New Orleans" date of February 27, 2011 on page 3.


  4. #4
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    Re: What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?


    Thanks for sharing guys Thats pretty spooky CFTravlyer...have you heard other cases of Astral damage so to speak come back into the physical zone?

    GreyTraveller, I enoyed reading that story sounds like a very detailed experience, how did you feel once you woke up in
    terms of your body feeling..any marks or different energy feelings?

    I'm curious in how would you say in your experience and this is for anyone to do you tell the difference from a
    so called real entity if you believe such or one created via the mind / higher self as a learning process etc ?



  5. #5
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    Re: What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?

    When I was about five, something turned up in the first lucid dream I recall having. I called it the "snail shell eyed creature" then because that's how I felt its eyes looked. If I were to compare it to anything today, I'd call it a gargoyle. It seemed to enjoy frightening me. The first time I dreamt it, it licked my ear while I was paralysed and then thoroughly relished the fear this caused. The next time I encountered it the same kind of slow motion, molasses feeling occurred but I broke through the paralysis and covered my ear. It turned nasty then and bared sharp little teeth and bit my arm hard. When I awoke my arm was sore and I wasn't lying on it. After that, I saw it at least one more time in the waking state, peeping through the crack in the slightly opened door of a small cupboard mounted to the bathroom wall.

    As an adult, the "neg" I encountered a couple of years ago appeared to be a discarnate human I picked up off a friend after having lunch with her. Thinking back, I felt a change immediately (as did she when she shed him) but it was during the dream state that I really felt his presence. I got rid of him by "rising above him." Where he went after that I don't know - not back to my friend thank goodness.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  6. #6
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    Re: What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?

    I'm curious in how would you say in your experience and this is for anyone to do you tell the difference from a
    so called real entity if you believe such or one created via the mind / higher self as a learning process etc ?
    Hindsight. Retrospect. It's an amazing thing. If I benefited from it I tend to think it's not a 'neg', and if it doesn't seem to make sense in the context of my life, it's a warning sign.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7

    Re: What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Hindsight. Retrospect. It's an amazing thing. If I benefited from it I tend to think it's not a 'neg', and if it doesn't seem to make sense in the context of my life, it's a warning sign.
    If you look at it that way then nothing is a neg depending on how you react to it since you can benefit from anything that happens to you in some way.

    But yeah the first neg I met was some creepy little kid who tried to pose as my guide, I cought on and scared him real bad because I got mad that he tried to fool me.

    The toughest one was this weird yellow cloud man who pulled me out of a dream and pinned me on the bed, he was strong, but I was stronger and managed to beat him, in the end I dispersed him into a yellow cloud and pushed him out of the room with a barrier.

  8. #8
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    Cool Re: What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?

    Hallo Zethor, you asked

    "GreyTraveller, I enoyed reading that story sounds like a very detailed experience, how did you feel once you woke up in
    terms of your body feeling..any marks or different energy feelings?"

    Fortunately I have never had any negative physical or emotional effects after waking up from an OBE or AP. It is true that my energy has felt unusual, or even downright strange, following certain OBEs. Yet I could not describe these feelings as negative.

    As regard your second, general, question---

    "I'm curious in how would you say in your experience and this is for anyone to do you tell the difference from a
    so called real entity if you believe such or one created via the mind / higher self as a learning process etc ?"

    Telling the difference between an objective astral being and a self created (subjective) thought elemental is sometimes difficult. No doubt I have mistaken them many times, one for the other. Trial and error, and direct questioning, seem to be the two best methods. Yet nothing is foolproof. Sometimes one must rely on 'gut feelings' or intuition alone.


  9. #9
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    Re: What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?

    Quote Originally Posted by defectron View Post
    If you look at it that way then nothing is a neg depending on how you react to it since you can benefit from anything that happens to you in some way.
    Perhaps, it certainly reflects my worldview, but there have been a couple of times where the interaction didn't benefit me at all, or the thoughts that came my way definitely weren't mine, or I felt drained after the encounter. So I may argue that I do think some of the encounters are negative, but not as many as appearances would dictate at first.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #10
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    Re: What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?

    On the top of my head I don't recall any neg encounter, but I recall at least three unsuccessful attempts of remote influence in dreams. Those were all traceable to the people responsible either in the dream or shortly after waking up. I'd guess this was mostly their attempts of getting an advantage over me acting out when they were asleep.


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