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Thread: Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

  1. Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

    So for 2 weeks now i have been using hemi sync and reading about OBEs and lucid dreaming for a while now.
    Sometimes when im a sleep a have sleep paralyses and something pushes me out of bed or simular things, after that i wake up or jump into another dream. today i had a strange dream:

    I was in my house, but it looked kinda like it use to 5 years ago and i was laying in bed, there was light just from the other room. Then i realized that the light is on (suddenly) and outside was dark like before but i could look trought the window, i got up to turn the light off, when it didnt work i realized i was dreaming and looked at my hand which was a little bit weird, so i walked through the wall (weird feeling) to the back of the house. outside everything was weird (cant describe it), it was dark but white color somewhere in between everything looked realy real. i then asked for help and something lift me up very fast and i was floating to some small light and then suddenly i was in front of some old document and i could hear a voice (i think the voice was reading the document) - the voice was familiar it was from some old dubed cartoons in our country and i didnt understand it like i was distracted or it was not loud enought. i looked at the document and i remember only it was page 90 or 190 and i had a feeling that it was from the bible. after the voice stoped it throwed the document on some box on the same room as i was in the begining. then i was suddenly again in the same room (looked very real), there were my mom and brother and i tried to fly, because it didnt work i looked at my hand and i cant remember but i think it looked normal, so i thought i wasnt dreamin. then i woke up

    im just interested was it a lucid dream or did i astral project and whats with the document (does it mean something).

  2. #2
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    Re: Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

    I think it was an astral projection to the akashic records. Or an etheric projection with strong akashic record information. However, what the document means is for you to find out, as in, what did you think it was at the time, and how does it fit in your worldview?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. Re: Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

    thank you for the answer, it felt like something from the bible (im not religious) and that i need to look it up. thats why in looked at the page, and everything but i only remember the page now.

  4. #4
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    Re: Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

    I suggest you ask for more information before you go to sleep at night and see what develops.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. Re: Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

    i tried, but today i just had normal dreams..thank you for you help

  6. #6
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    Re: Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

    Hi SBpDPc;
    There are four possibilities:
    1)Normal dreams can have information too. Look for signs in your normal dreams.
    2)You may need to try it more than once. I'd suggest you to keep trying in this case.
    3)You may not need to sleep to get the info you seek. Thus you can get the info while you're awake.
    4)The information you seek may be blocked by your higher self to protect you from it. This is unlikely and should be considered only if you try many times and fail all the time. It can also be revealed automatically in a later point of your life, when you're ready for it.
    Be in peace and love in all lives.
    Be safe in all ways.
    Be well and cheerful at all times.
    Be helpful and compassionate to all others.
    This is the best wish that I can wish for myself and you.
    Live well and have fun!
    With my love and blessings,

    I hereby choose to evolve myself to something better than what I am now and help others do just that. For a better Humanity, and a better Universe!

    Positivity ROCKS!!!

  7. #7
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    Re: Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

    Quote Originally Posted by SBpDPc View Post
    i tried, but today i just had normal dreams..thank you for you help
    If you keep practising, month after month, year after year, you will find out whatever you intend to find out.

    You will be how you intend to be, not in any rush, but just on time, things happen "when they happen", don't force it, just relax and know that everything happens exactly when it needs to for your greatest benefit.

    Try forgetting the idea for a little while, put it down rather than chase after it, and then it will come to you, rather than you to it.
    “Vision without action is daydream.
    Action without vision is nightmare.”
    —Japanese Proverb

  8. Re: Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

    thank you for your suggestions, im going to be patient and see what will develope..

  9. Re: Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

    Hey guys i have a serious question please clear me if lucid dreaming is real then isn't out of body experience real?
    Does the consciousness or soul really work out of the body?
    I waiting for your ideas and responses.,?
    Last edited by AllenPivot; 12th April 2014 at 09:59 AM.

  10. #10
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Lucid dream or OBE, meaning?

    Quote Originally Posted by AllenPivot View Post
    Hey guys i have a serious question please clear me if lucid dreaming is real then isn't out of body experience real?
    Does the consciousness or soul really work out of the body?
    I waiting for your ideas and responses.,?
    Hi AllenPivot,
    I have several different experiences of "out of body".
    What I most are, is an essence feeling the reality.
    I have one experience of "falling out of my body" so I know it is real and doable to be out of body.
    I have several experiences of partual out of a feeling to be "loose" inside of my body, and when trying to "go out of the body" a feeling of being stuck....Once I had my energy arms out of my head, and what I sensed a Deep Deep fear, and that made me abort to go fully out, and it did give me a very profound feeling, that I have first to work with my fear, and lesser it, Before I go further with my attemt´s of leaving my body.
    I am very sensitive and I can get "information" I need without so called go out of my body...I do not know what to call it...maybe it is out of body, but me not sensing the energy body, becase I am more familar to my essence than to the so called other bodies.
    I have some issues still to work on in my Life, but soon I will do that MAP..or 90 Days guide out of body...I have the book, but have not had enought of Peace to start the program.
    I Think there are several levels and experienses what is not so easy to dress in Words.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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