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  1. #1



    Evolution is to emanate the creator, to become some type of master of the universe. There are two branches of science, higher and lower. Those who are ignorant and do not have the creators blessing, and seek to dominate the universe through the study of matter are called scientists. Those who are truly "intelligent" and have come to that level of awareness, which is called "intelligence" seek to become more than what they are through the higher science. Which is not only the study of.... but by directly experiencing, and evolving through the subtle planes of existence. The subtle planes, existed before the material universe and therefore dominates not only the milky way galaxy, but the entirety of the material plane, particularly through vibration. There is a "vibration surrounding planet earth", therefore those earth bound spirits including humans cannot escape. But if one realizes and touches upon "the god within" you can transcend the material universe and escape this pathetic planet.

    One must master his own mind first, particularly through meditation . But this is only a basic preliminary work. When one truly starts to "spiritually evolve" Man will discover to his "astonishment" the mysterious energies which constitute his being, and before he can traverse the "spiritual path" he must learn to properly "apply" and "control" these energies before his metaphysical development can properly insure. How can any human being expect to enter immortality and the experience of dormant powers, without mastering the tools and energies which god (source) has provided for your basic training? the mind is a tool, it is a product of consciousness and the brain matter (control this first) and then subtle energies will present themselves, there is no magic wand or words you can say. THE POWER MUST BE SELF GENERATED.

    when THE KUNDALINI is awakened its vibrations will cores through the body, and must be applied and manipulated to evolve, Kundalini is just another basic step in its significance to what's to come. the kundalini enters THE REAR ASPECT of the chakras and interacts with the CHAKRA CORE a ball of sleeping energy, these balls run through the central axis of the body, some can spiral open when activated and feels like a physical experience. The body begins to feel vibrations, even when awake and conscious, internal movement is felt. If one is not educated it can lead to a monuments upsurge of paranoia. FEAR NOT, for much mystical experiences are not as blissfully experienced as described and the average human being is not equipped with adequate knowledge to deal with such phenomena.

    Beings may appear like grey aliens, shadow people and an array of entities, due to the fact that any significant energy work can be seen in the subtler realms. The closer you get to god, more challenges arise. Don't expect a magic carpet ride into blissful faery land. And whatever you do, fear not, FEAR DESTROYS the natural defence mechanism of the magnetic field of the human body, and negative forces seek to enter through the sinful and negative areas of life and the solar plexus becomes the mirror of death. Remember to control your mind, thoughts emotions. Mastery of the self.

    You cannot expect to evolve if you live a spiritually unclean life, Alcohol, negative thoughts and emotions, drugs, cigarettes, negative people, pornography, unhealthy eating habits, fear, anger etc. Anything that is negative will have destructive effects, nothing can escape the "laws of cause and effect". These things cause blockages in the human energy body, and wastes your energy. Do not misuse and abuse the source of power, of where your power comes from, if you demonstrate unworthiness to the greater reality, the greater reality will deem you also as unworthy. Your body and mind is now a temple, evolve.


    Its clean up day for those on the forum who are living unclean, you can do as much energy work as you want, if you go out and get drunk this weekend your pathetic attempt to evolve will be become futile. and all your motivation will turn to hot air. KUNDALINI IS LIKE A PERSON, the holy spirt etc.... whatever "pleases" the spirit within, which comes from the furnace of the heart, energy will be given to you. Do no supress those thoughts which are of power, resonate with the source and the source will resonate with you. When I to myself, think any "spiritual thought of power" I feel vibrational waves enter my body, I am also one of the very few people on this planet which have experienced what I coin the "caduceus experience" this can be felt as two "physical snakes" rising through the body and up through the crown. I also, have the true "trajectory of the snakes" and the modern symbols is not accurate. This I suppose is different from Robert's, 3 and a half coils experience, but the caduceus is how I have experienced kundalini, the staff of Hermes Trismigistus, synchronicity of the GOD OF WISDOM THOTH of ancient Egypt.

    When I increase massive vibrational waves, I also hear and feel a snake enter my head with a loud HSSSSSSSSSS noise as soon as it enters, Its a physical feeling associated with the sound. This may sound like the product, to some reading as an overactive imagination, but I can assure you, it is not. don't ever assume anything EVER. Often those things we where not sure about on the path, we end up experiencing ourselves with astonishment. The greatness and complexity, the perfection of the beauty and wisdom of this multidimensional universe in which we all take part, in this the ultimate game, of good and evil, evolution, and, that which we call GOD.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Hi Neophos,

    I thank you for your post, I can second your thoughts to be true.

    1989 I was alerted to stop drinking, in 2003 I was alerted to stop smoking, what is left is unhealthy eating and it is now alerted through you to me.

    I had a dream about this subject and it is more clear now after reading your post, thank´s again.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Hi Neophos,

    I´d like to hear what you mean by this.....When I to myself, think any "spiritual thought of power" ??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #4


    I agree so much with what you say also Neophos.
    Great Post!

    (Maybe just one little remark...I think we still need scientists and they can be very loving family people just loving the job that they are fascinated in, and very clever.)
    Possibly just not their goal this life plan if you go with the idea that we all have a reason to be here.)
    Great points
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Hi Neophos,

    I´d like to hear what you mean by this.....When I to myself, think any "spiritual thought of power" ??

    You have just asked me a question, which is profound. And if you somehow understand, unlimited power & potential awaits you. Because i am still trying to understand myself. Since i was a child, i had an energy in which i thought was normal. About 1 and half years ago, i got more curious about this energy and utilized this in meditation. This energy, is power... as it has activated secrets, and powers i never knew i could possibly have, and made me realize how complex i am. Mystical experiences, proufound and yet i have barely even scratched the surface, this i know.

    But to answer your question: I greatly focus on anything spiritually transendental, it could be a person or a God and i feel for a brief moment that i am that particilar thing i am focused on. and i feel a wave of vibrational energy envelope me from my back. It corses through the body penetrates the body, its a royal energy. And it activates and evolves everything in the energy body. but this energy needs to be mastered and properly directed in which i am still learning. A basic symptom everyone probably relate to is vibration, i feel the vibrational state associated with obe while i am consciously awake. I am still learning about this mysterious energy.

    I dont like revealing my secret, but i feel warmth from your post and also intuitvely feel some religious conviction from you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Neophos View Post
    You have just asked me a question, which is profound. And if you somehow understand, unlimited power & potential awaits you. Because i am still trying to understand myself. Since i was a child, i had an energy in which i thought was normal. About 1 and half years ago, i got more curious about this energy and utilized this in meditation. This energy, is power... as it has activated secrets, and powers i never knew i could possibly have, and made me realize how complex i am. Mystical experiences, proufound and yet i have barely even scratched the surface, this i know.

    But to answer your question: I greatly focus on anything spiritually transendental, it could be a person or a God and i feel for a brief moment that i am that particilar thing i am focused on. and i feel a wave of vibrational energy envelope me from my back. It corses through the body penetrates the body, its a royal energy. And it activates and evolves everything in the energy body. but this energy needs to be mastered and properly directed in which i am still learning. A basic symptom everyone probably relate to is vibration, i feel the vibrational state associated with obe while i am consciously awake. I am still learning about this mysterious energy.

    I dont like revealing my secret, but i feel warmth from your post and also intuitvely feel some religious conviction from you.
    Thank you dear Neophos,

    You do not need to say in words, to revele your secret...I can read is enough as your way you do it here... and you have given me answeres...I know exatcly what you mean now about this Power energy, I have also get to feel it, it scared me so much and I also did understand that I need to know much more about it...respect and not selfish but serving existences.....Yes religious as it was meant to use...not as it is used for destruction in God´s name......I do also hear the hissing sound and then I know I will get help to deepen my knowledge...I have had it for some days now and it shows in my dreams....I have bean urgened to write my dreams and share them as I do here on this site....

    Thank you again

    Last edited by IA56; 15th May 2017 at 11:14 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #7


    For Susan.

    This is towards scientist that actively surpress the spiritual growth of human consciousness and are servents to there masters. There are however positive scientist, particularily those who help and elevate humanity, an example would be medical science. Not, creating new bombs and the use and abuse of knowledge. In time, if humanity is able to pass through this current destructive era, scientist will come to the realization of human consciousness and the reality of the human energy body. Hopefully in time, the human family will be an enlightened race and we can experience a golden age and extend human life and eleviate suffering. And if possible, be part of an intergalactic community.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Thank you dear Neophos,

    You do not need to say in words, to revele your secret...I can read is enough as your way you do it here... and you have given me answeres...I know exatcly what you mean now about this Power energy, I have also get to feel it, it scared me so much and I also did understand that I need to know much more about it...respect and not selfish but serving existences.....Yes religious as it was meant to use...not as it is used for destruction in God´s name......I do also hear the hissing sound and then I know I will get help to deepen my knowledge...I have had it for some days now and it shows in my dreams....I have bean urgened to write my dreams and share them as I do here on this site....

    Thank you again

    Well im glad that you got something out of it, even if i helped one person then the post was worth the energy. We all resonate on our own frequencies, and some when reading anything that touches upon something divine can not even recognize it due to there lack of awareness and spiritual development. Another thing, is experience, its like trying to get a def person to understand a symphony of mozart, it simply isnt possible, well atleast not this point in time. Your responded because you can relate and resonate, with the words. We are all on the path, i seek wisdom beyond the material plane because my awareness recognizes its superiority over me. There is a difference between believing and knowing, i know there is a complex metaphysical structure in man because of my involmemt in such experiences, that a type of evolution takes place

    I have eaten of the fruit, and the serpent of wisdom revealed. Lets hope this power goes in the right direction.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Neophos View Post
    Well im glad that you got something out of it, even if i helped one person then the post was worth the energy. We all resonate on our own frequencies, and some when reading anything that touches upon something divine can not even recognize it due to there lack of awareness and spiritual development. Another thing, is experience, its like trying to get a def person to understand a symphony of mozart, it simply isnt possible, well atleast not this point in time. Your responded because you can relate and resonate, with the words. We are all on the path, i seek wisdom beyond the material plane because my awareness recognizes its superiority over me. There is a difference between believing and knowing, i know there is a complex metaphysical structure in man because of my involmemt in such experiences, that a type of evolution takes place

    I have eaten of the fruit, and the serpent of wisdom revealed. Lets hope this power goes in the right direction.
    Yes let us hope so, it will not be easy time to will be tested...keep your coolness and calmness when it happens.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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