Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
No, dualism isn't for me. My cosmology is such that I would consider that to be a fun experiment but nothing else.
When I'm planning to project in a sitting I usually don't do anything physical (depending on how tired I am and the time of day) but the question was about energy work, not projecting.
Actually, I was asking if you go more to the mental sort of experiences, i.e. focusing purely on the mental (subtle) side, instead of on more gross energy (ethereal body, to be precise) and the physical level.

Quote Originally Posted by HiddenDaoist87 View Post
What would you consider focusing on the mental side? I practice the energy body workout video from the "Mastering Astral Projection Video" I think it is a great exercise to do the way it is put together. Do you know which Exercise I am talking about? I think it is also energy workout? Would you consider working with the chakras to be energy workout since you use your tactile senses to stimulate these centers? Right now from what I experience is the energy building by focusing on my hands and brushing my hands and feet and arm and leg bounces. I also feel my chakras clicking and aligning me in a way as i work up the chakras. Somehow I am not advancing because i feel something is not allowing to practice properly like something undermining my practicing I can't focus and like i feel my mind locking on me and keeping from focusing on my tactile senses, I am thinking its because i can't seem to find a proper practice space. I sometimes see flashes of light in my minds eye as i do brushes and bounces.

What are your experiences and what do you practice and how long have you been practicing Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics programs?
First things first, I do not practice anybody's programs, with small exception to the Robert Monroe's program. I try to understand the essence of what is behind any excercise, program or anything, and I recommend this approach, i.e. not to be strictly attached to any programs. By mental side I mean that what i just explained above when replying to the CFT's message. Chakras energy is great if you know what you are doing and know what you want to acheive. Bare in mind a possible threat when openning the "gates" to your energy system. What you are doing is energy work (this is a universal term, not limited to any program), and it's a great thing to control / work with energy. What you describe happens on the ethereal level. The mental level is of purely psychic experience, when you do not feel gross energy any more, i.e. you focus solely on your mind, and you gain then more ESP sort of experiences, instead of energy (qi) experiences. You get into the deep ASC (Altered State of Consciousness) state of mind, you stop feeling not just physical body, but any energy attached to yourself, i.e. you do not travel astrally with any "body" (be it ethereal or astral), but you just move - mentally - simply by using your mind in a fraction of a second. You reach beyond anything that is "normal" in the physical or ethereal. This could be likened to some sort of meditation, although I don't like this word as it suggests certain way of thinking of how it works or how it "should" be done, while the reality is that you need to go beyond anything that you know/expect in order to not limit your mental experiences - remember that this is ultimately your mind which not just allow you to experience, but also restricts the experiences that you have, including the expectations and beliefs (some of which wrote e.g. Bruce Moen in his books on astral travels). If you don't feel mental focus to be for you just yet, it is perfectly fine, some people find it more suitable than energy work, while the others - vice versa.